Funded Research
1. Incidence and clinical course of hepatitis C virus infection in patients of ESRD, chronic hemodialysis and renal transplantation with live related donors. (ICMR funding)
2. Impact of cyclosporin estimation in acute graft dysfunction in living related renal transplantation. (AIIMS funding)
3. Prospective randomised trial of two schedule of hepatitis B vaccination in different stgaes of chronic renal failure. (Smith Kline and Beecham funding).
4. Elective conversion from conventional CsA to CsA NEORAL formulation in stable patients of renal
transplantation (Sandoz India Ltd. funding).
5. To study the prevalence of Chronic Renal Failure in India. (ICMR funding).
6. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C viral infection in primary glomerulonephritis. (AIIMS funding).
7. Trial of Espogen, a new recombinant erythropoetin for its efficacy and tolerability (LG Chemicals India Ltd. funding)
8. Impact of Isolation on incidence of Hepatitis C virus infection in patients on maintenance haemodialysis. (ICMR funding).
9. An Open Labelled Propspective Multicentric Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Lanthanum
Carbonate in Patients of Hyperphosphatemia of Chronic Kidney Disease. (Panacea Biotech India Ltd.
10. To study the Diagnostic Value of QuantiFERON Gold Test in Detecting Latent Tubercular Infection in End Stage Renal Disease Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy. (ICMR funding, 2007-2010).
11. An open labeled prospective multicentric trial to study efficacy and safety of Pangraf (FK506) in patients for Renal Transplantation. (Panacea Biotech India Limited funding).
12. Linezolid Vs Vancomycin/Cefazolin in the Treatment of Haemodialysis Patients with Catheter-Related GramPositive Bloodstream Infection. (Pfizer Limited funding).
13. Insulin Secretion response in renal transplant recipients. (AIIMS funding).
14. An open label multicentric clinical trial to assess the efficacy and tolerability of sevalemer in the treatment of Hyperphosphatemia in end stage renal disease.(Panacea Biotec funding).
15. A Randomised double blind placebo controlled four arm parallel group multicentric multinational trial comparing weekly intravenous administration of Abetimus to weekly intravenous administration of placebo in patients with a history of SLE related renal disease. (Lajolla Pharmaceutical Company California, USA Funding, 2006-09).
16. Validation and Development of Predicting Formula for Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Indian Adults with Various Degree of Renal Function.(ICMR, funding 2006).
17. Detection of HCV core antigen (HCVc-Ag) for Diagnostic Screening of HCV Infection in Patients on
Maintenance Hemodialysis.(ICMR funding, 2007).
18. A randomised double blind placebo controlled parallel group study to determine whether in patients with type-2 diabetes at high risk for cardiovascular and renal events, aliskerin, on top of conventional treatment, reduces cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality:ALTITUDE Trial (Novartis funding).
19. An open randomised prospective phase-III clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of cinacalcet versus Calcitriol in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism.(Macleod India funding, 2009).
20. A randomised multicentric, parallel, open label, active controlled , phase-III study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Kremezin on suppression of progression of Chronic Renal Failure. (LG India Ltd. Funding, 2010)
21. Multicentric Study to Find Out Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults in Urban Indian population (ICMR funding, 2012).
22. A dose ranging study to evaluate the role of hydroxychloroquinin preserving the kidney function by slowing down the progression of kidney disease due to type-II Diabetes. (IPCA funding, 2016).
23. Prospective cohort study to find Circulating Levels of Anti Phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) Antibodies
and its Correlation with Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy (IMGN) (ICMR funding, 2017).
24. Serum galactose deficient IgA1 levels in IgA nephropathy: a case control study (AIIMS funding, 2016).
25. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess renal allograft dysfunction in renal transplant recipients (ICMR funding, 2017).
26. Pattern of CYP3A5 and MDR-1 single nucleotide polymorphism and its impact on individualization of Tacrolimus based immunosuppression in Living related renal transplant recipients (AIIMS funding, 2017).
27. Detection and Genotype distribution of BK polyomavirus in renal transplant recipients (AIIMS funding, 2018).
28. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Multicenter Study to Demonstrate the Effects of Sotagliflozin on Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Moderately Impaired Renal Function (Sanofi India funding, 2018).
29. An randomized, treatment open – label, dose- blinded parallel group, three arm, proof-of-concept clinical trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of LNP023 compared with rituximab in the treatment of subjects with idiopathic membranous nephropathy. (Novartis India funding, 2019).
30. An adaptive seamless randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, dose ranging study to investigate the efficacy and safety of LNP023 in primary IgA nephropathy patients. (Novartis India funding, 2019)
Non-Funded Research
1. Membranous Glomerulopathy: clinicopathological correlation and response to therapy (DNB-Nephrology).
2. Clinical profile, course and outcome of early and late acute rejection episodes in live related renal allografts recipients in a major renal transplant center in North India. (D.M. Nephrology)
3. Predictor of acute renal failure. (D.M. Nephrology).
4. Study of Nephrotoxicity due to Aminoglycosides (M.D. Medicine).
5. Value of Bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of Pneumonitis in renal transplant recipients. (D.M. Nephrology).
6. The impact of cyclosporin on living related renal transplant recipient – A single center study. (D.M.
7. To study the clinicopathological characteristics of adult onset minimal change disease and its response to treatment. (D.M. Nephrology).
8. Spectrum and clinical course of diabetic nephropathy as seen in a tertiary care government hospital. (D.M. Nephrology).
9. Comparision of Fine Needle Aspiration cytology with core needle biopsy in the diagnosis of acute renal allograft function. (M.S. Surgery).
10. Antioxidant levels in liver disease. (M.D. Laboratory medicine).
11. Comparision of Losarton with Captopril DTPA renography in the evaluation of Renal Artery Stenosis. (M.D. Nuclear Medicine)
12. Hyperuricemia and Gout in Renal Transplant Recipients. (M.D. Medicine).
13. Impact of bronchoalveolar levage in the management of respiratory tract infection in renal transplant recipient. (D.M. Nephrology)
14. Study of Leptospirosis in Delhi (M.D., Medicine)
15. Diagnosis of Cytomegalovirus pneumonitis in immunocompromised patients at AIIMS (M.D., Biotechnology, 2008)
16. Result of Kidney Transplants from Spousal and Living Unrelated Donors (M.S., Surgery)
17. To study the pregnancy outcomes in systemic lupus erythromatoses with special reference to
cyclophosphamide therapy (MD, Medicine, 2009)
18. To study the effect of maximum tolerable doses of ACE-I (Lisinopril), ARB (Losartan) and add-on Losartan on proteinuria and progression of renal disease in patients of type-2 diabetes with early nephropathy (D.M., Nephrology)
19. Detection and Genotyping of Human Cytomegalovirus From neonates and Renal Transplant Recipients ( Ph.D in Microbiology, 2008)
20. Clinicopatological correlation of Lupus Nephritis (D.M. Nephrology)
21. Impact of Pre-operative vascular evaluation by Doppler ultrasound on the early rate ofarteriovenous fistula in haemodialysis patients. (M.S. General Surgery)
22. A study of psychiatric morbidity and quality of life in patients before and after renal transplantation (M.D.Psychiatry)
23. Molecular detection and characterization of Pneumocystic jiroveci in respiratory samples from the patients both immunocompromised as well immunocompetent with suspected interstitial pneumonia and other chronic lung diseases (Ph.D in Microbiology, 2009)
24. Significance of protocol biopsies in live related kidney transplant recipients (M.S., General surgery)
25. Effect of N. Acetyl Cystein on serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate in healthy subjects with normal renal function with or without contrast exposure (D.M., Nephrology)
26. To Study the Clinicopathological Correlations and Assess the Clinical, Laboratory and Renal Histology Predictors for Long-term Outcome in Lupus Nephritis (D.M., Nephrology)
27. To study the outcome of immunological high risk renal allograft recipients (D.M., Nephrology)
28. Evaluation of Protective effect of Gralic Extract on Cyclosporin Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats (M.D., Pharmacology)
29. Effect of bisphosphonate on bone mineral density after renal transplantation as assessed by bone mineral density (M.S., General surgery)
30. To study the prevalence of CKD in high risk population (D.M., Nephrology)
31. Quantification of viral load and genotyping of human cytomegalovirus in renal transplant recipients (Ph.D Microbiology).
32. Cloning, sequencing and expression of ORF-2 genomic region of Transfusion Transmitted Virus (TTV) and use it to develop serological assay(MD, Lab Medicine, 2009)
33. Effect of traditionally used herbometallic preparation on renal and hepatic function “Experimental and Clinical Study” (PhD in Pharmacology, 2009)
34. Prevalence and nature of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk factors in renal transplant recipients (M.S., Surgery, 2009)
35. Costing of Kidney Transplantation Process at AIIMS. (Hospital administration, 2009)
36. Transplant glomerulopathy: An immunohistochemical, ultrastrutural and morphometric study” (M.D., Pathology)
37. Effect of traditionally used herbometallic preparation on renal and hepatic function “Experimental and Clinical Study” (Ph.D in Pharmacology)
38. “Clinical relevance of HLA, MIC alloantibodies and MKG2D receptor molecules in renal transplantation” (Ph.D Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics).
39. Standarderisation of a duplex Real time PCR (RT-PCR) for detection of hepatitis B virus-DNA and HCV-RNA in serum (MD Lab Medicine for 2014)