Invited lectures (197)

1. On “Recombinant Human Erythropoietin” during Nephrology Update 1989 held at AIIMS.

2. On “Renal failure management” during IMA CME programme held at Meerut, 1989.

3. On “Glomerulonephritis in Elderly” during symposia of Geriatric of India held at AIIMS, April 1991.

4. On “ Hepatitis B infection and Renal Transplantation” during first conference of Nothern Chapter of ISN, 1992.

5. On “Dialysis in Poisoning” during Nephrology Update held at military Hospital, 1992.

6. On “Viruses and Kidney” during Nephrology Update 1993 held at Maulana Azad Medical College, April, 1993.

7. Three lectures to “Post Graduate Biology Teachers” during their in service training programme, May, 1993

8. To CGHS doctors under refresher programme on “Diagnostic and therapeutic” held at AIIMS, Nov, 1993.

9. On “Hepatitis in haemodialysis and transplantation” during symposium in annual conference of ISOT held at Lucknow, Nov 1993.

10. On “Osteoporoosis in Elderly” during golden jubilee conference of API held at Madras, Jan, 1995.

11. On “Hepatitis C in haemodialysis” during first conference of Nephrology Urology and Transplantation Society of SAARC countries held at AIIMS, March, 1995.

12. On “Cyclosporine conversion in living related renal transplantation” during nephrology update 1995 held at Sunde Lal Jain Hospital, Feb 1995.

13. Invited to speak on “ Management of SLE: Current Status” during the silver jubilee conference of
Dermatologists (Delhi Chapter) held at New Delhi on July 20th, 97.

14. Invited of speak on “ Acute and Chronic Renal Failure” during workshop of ‘ Nursing Management of Patients of Renal Disorder’ held in New Delhi on 13th Nov, 97.

15. Invited to speak on “HepatoRenal Syndrome” during the CME programme for the gatsroenterologists held in New Delhi on 19 July, 97.

16. Invited to speak on “ Role of CAVH in Renal Failure associated with Liver disease “ during CME for
gastroenterologists held in New Delhi on 9thMarch, 98.

17. Attended annual conference of Nothern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Kanpur on 14th Feb, 1998 and spoke on “ Evaluation of Recipient and Experience with Cyclosporine”

18. Invited public lecture on “Economics of Chronic Renal Failure” during Rotary Club meeting held on 6th May 1998 at New Delhi.

19. Invited lecture on “MANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY” during ‘Delhi Diabetic Forum’ meeting held on 9th May, 1998 at New Delhi

20. Invited lecture on “ Strategies to prevent renal stone disease” for physician in CME organised by IMA, New Delhi, Aug 1998

21. Guest Lecture during IMA meeting held in Bareleiy on 13th Sep,1998 on “ PREGNANCY AND RENAL DISEASES”.

22. Guest lecture on “DIABETIC RENAL IDSEASE-A CLINICAL APPROACH” on world diabetic day on 14th Nov, 1998 held at Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, New Delhi.

23. Invited lecture on “ACUTE RENAL FAILURE – a clinical approach” during workshop on Renal Pathology held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 14-15 Nov, 1998.

24. Invited Lecture on “ MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR NEPHROTIC SYNDROME IN ADULTS” in Lady Harding Medical College –CME held on 24-25th April 1999.

25. Invited lecture on “RPGN-A clinical approach” and “Hepatitis during Maintenance haemodialysis” during 1st certificate course in Clinical Nephrology & International CME held at BHU during 24th to 30th Sep 1999.

26. Invited talk on “Pregnancy during Renal Replacement Therapy” during 43rd Annual Conference of FOGSI held at Lucknow during 27th to 30th Dec 1999.

27. Invited talk on “Hepatitis during Renal Replacement Therapy” during 3rd International Congress on Transplantation, Kidney diseases and critical care held at Ahmedabad during 6-9th Jan 2000.

28. Invited talk on ” Haemodialysis in India-AIIMS Experience” during South-Asian Congress of Nephrology at New Millennium and International CME-2000 held at New Delhi during 4-6th Feb 2000.

29. Invited talk on Liver disease in Renal Transplant Recipients” during 10th Annual Conference of ISOT held at Chandigarh during 18-20th Feb 2000.

30. Invited Lecture on Management of CRF in Gurgaon Branch of API CME held on 14th July 2000

31. Invited Chairman for the Consensus Conference of COMGAN-ISN on Water Quality and Adequacy of Dialysis in India held on 26th Nov 2000 at Mumbai.

32. Invited speaker during 1st PG course in Nephrology held at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi during 23rd and 25th Feb 2001 and delivered talk on “Urinanalysis and approach to proteinuria and Haematuria” and “ ARF in ICU setting”.

33. Invited lecture during 12th Annual conference of Pediatric Nephrology held at Delhi on 16th and 17th Dec 2000 and on Hepatitis and Pediatric Nephrology”.

34. Invited speaker during Inaugural Conference of Indian Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, held at New Delhi during 1-4th March 2001 and delivered lecture on “Problem of renal transplant in India”

35. Invited guest speaker for TUNNDA course for physician organised by Novo Nordisk Education Foundation in collaboration with The University of Newcastle Novocare Diabetic Academy held on 28th March 2001 at New Delhi on “Management of Diabetes Mellitus from early renal failure to end stage renal disease”.

36. Invited talk and moderator for “ Problem Based Medicine- Proteinuria” during CME in Internal Medicine held at Maulana Azad Medical College on 15-18th Dec 2001.

37. Invited talk on “Chronic Kidney Disease: Risk and Prevention” during 8th Northern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Lucknow on 5-6th January 2002

38. Invited to give talk on “Approach to acute glomerulonephritis” and “Approach to nephrotic Syndrome” at Udaipur on 23rd and 24th March 2002 during CME organised by Department of Medicine, Udaipur Medical College.

39. Invited as Panelist in the session on Management of chronic viral hepatitis in ESRD during 10th Annual conference of Indian Association of Study of Liver Disease in association with the European Association for the study of liver disease held at New Delhi on 31st March to 2nd April 2002.

40. Invited to give talk on AIIMS experience on Mycophenolate Mofetil in Renal Transplantation during CME held at Karnatka Nephrology and Transplant Institute on 21st April 2002.

41. Guest Lecture on “Clinical management of early end stage (Pre dialysis stage) renal disease among diabetics” during 2nd TUNNDA course held at New Delhi 2002.

42. Guest lecture on “Strategies to prevent progression of Diabetic Nephropathy” in 45th Delhi State Medical Conference held on 8th and 9th June 2002 at New Delhi

43. Guest Lecture on “Ethical Issue in using living elated and unrelated renal transplantation” during National Academy of Medical Sciences Symposium on Ethics in Clinical Practice held on 21 to 23rd July 2002 at New Delhi

44. Guest Lecture on “Current Treatment Protocols in HBV infection in Renal Transplant Recipients” during Nephrology Update-2002 & Annual Conference of Delhi Nephrology Society held during 14th and 15th September 2002 at New Delhi

45. Guest lecture on “Relevance of HCV in Renal Transplantation” during 13th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation held at Lucknow on 26th to 28th September 2002.

46. Guest lecture on “ Retarding Progression of Renal Disease” during CME held in MoolChand Hospital at New Delhi, on 6th Oct 2002

47. Guest lecture on “My protocol of managing hepatitis in Renal Transplant Recipient” during
Gatroenterology Updaet 2002 organised by Army Hospital New Delhi, held on 19-20th Oct 2002.
48. Guest lecture on “Glomerulonephritis: a Clinical Approach” on 9th Nov 2002 during UPICON-2002 held at Gaziabad. Invited lecture on “Chronic Kidney Failure: Journey from Prevention to Transplantation” during 1st advance nephrology course held at Kanpur on 12th April 2003.

49. Invited Lecture on “ Etiology and Clinical Presentation of Chronic Kidney Failure” at Noida Chapter of API Conference held at Noida on 20th April 2003.

50. Invited talk on “HEPATITIS IN RENAL TRANSPLANT” during Interactive Symposium on Organ Transplant & Update on Renal Transplantation held during 5-7 th July 2003 at Ashvini Hospital Mumbai.

51. Invited talk on “Diabetic Nephropathy: Prevention and Management” during Regional CME organised by Association of Physician Barielly held on 28th Sep 2003.

52. Guest lecture on “Prevention of Early Diabetic Nephropathy” during Annual update of Delhi nephrology Society held on 2nd November 2003.

53. Invited talk on Prevention of “Early Diabetic Nephropathy” during Diabetes Update organised by East Delhi Associations of Endocrinologist 2003.

54. Invited talk on “Audit of EPO practices in India during 34th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Visakhapatnam during 5th to 7th Dec 2030.

55. Invited talk on “Uremic Pericarditis” during 3rd Congress on Nephrology in Internet held between 10-25 Nov 2003.

56. Invited lecture on “Microalbuminuria: Clinical application” during Medicine Update-2003, organised by Maulana azad Medical College, during 16-18th Dec 2003 at New Delhi.

57. Invited expert for a pannel discussion on “Renal Failure” during CME-2003 organised by East Delhi Physician Association on 21st December at New Delhi

58. Invited lecture on Haemodialysis: An Overview during 47th Annual Delhi State Medical Conference held at New Delhi between 12th to 13th June 2004.

59. Invited Lecture on “Management of Diabetic Nephropathy” in TUNNDA course held at New Delhi on 1st July 2004

60. Invited talk on “Sepsis Induced ARF” during XVth Annual CME of API-Delhi State Chapter held during 9-10th Oct 2004 at New Delhi.

61. Invited talk on “ Renal and water handling in health and liver disease” during “4th Current perspective in liver diseases-2004” organized jointly by AIIMS and PGIMER, held on 6th Nov 2004.

62. Invited talk on “Current Management of Uremic Osteodystrophy” during XVI the conference of Indian pediatric Nephrology Group & International Pediatric Nephrology Association Training Course. Held at New Delhi on 26th to 28th Nov 2004.

63. Invited talk on “Differentiating Hepato-renal syndrome from Renal parenchymal Disease” during 14th Asian pacific Association for the Study of the Liver conference held at New Delhi on 11th to 15th Dec 2005.

64. Invited talk on “Prevention of CKD: Indian perspective” during Medicine Update-2004 held at Delhi on 16th to 18th Dec 2004.

65. Invited guest lecture on “Protocol Biopsy” during North Zone Indian Society of Nephrology annual conference held at Jammu, March 2005.

66. Invited to deliver guest lecture on “Prevention and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease” during Haridwar Indian Medical Association CME held on 11th June 2005 at Haridwar.

67. Invited talk on “Screening and Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease” during CME organized by Fortis Hospital Noida on 18th June 2005.

68. Invited talk on “Post RT Malignancy and PT Diabetes Mellitus” during 16th Annual Conference of ISOT held at Jaipur on 30th Nov to 2nd Oct.

69. Invited talk on “Renal complications in Diabetes: Clinical decision Making” during 35th Annual Conference of Endocrinology Society of India, held at New Delhi during 11th to 13th Nov 2005

70. Invited talk on “Interferon in end stage renal disease” during Mid Term Single Theme conference on Hepatitis and Renal Disease organized by Indian Association of Study of Liver Disease on 3rd Dec 2005 at Delhi

71. Invited talk on “ Management of HCV in Renal Transplant recipients” during 6th Conference of NUTS of SAARC held at Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5-6th Dec 2005.

72. Annual conference of Maulana Azad Medical College held at New Delhi on 15th Dec 2005 and spoken a guest lecture on “ Approach to Gl;omerular Disease”.

73. 1st National Conference on Infectious Diseases 2005 held at New Delhi on 17th and 18th dec 2005 and given a guest lecture on “Tuberculosis in Renal Transplant Recipients”

74. Invited lecture on “Definition and Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease” during 1st National Congress of Indian Academy of Nephrology held on 8-11 Feb 2006 at New Delhi.

75. Invited talk on “Hepatitis C Virus Infection during Renal replacement Therapy” during1st National Congress of Indian Academy of Nephrology held on 8-11 Feb 2006 at New Delhi.

76. Invited talk on “Diet in Renal Replacement Therapy” during Indian Dietetic Association held on 22nd Feb 2006 at New Delhi.

77. Invited as faculty for 8th FIMSA/ Indian Immunology Society Course held on 1-5 March 2006 at New Delhi

78. Invited for a talk on “Is diabetic nephropathy preventable” during Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ transplant conference held at Ahmedabad on 4-8th Oct 2006.

79. Invited talk on Prevention and Management of HCV in Haemodialysis” in 2nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Haemodialysis held at Banglore on 7-8 th April 2006

80. Invited for a talk on “Is diabetic nephropathy preventable” during Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ transplant conference held at Ahmedabad on 4-8th Oct 2006.

81. Invited to speak on comparison between cyclosporin and tacrolimus in living related renal transplant at AIIMS during CNI confluence meeting held at Mumbai between 4th to 5th Nov 2006.

82. Invited for guest lecture on CKD and its Prevention during 8th SIMON (Society of Internal Medicine of Nepal) conference held at Dharan, Nepal on 10-11th Nov 2006

83. Invited talk on controversy in Rheumatology whether all patients with Lupus Nephritis should be biopsied during 22nd annual conference of Indian Rheumatological association held at Lucknow on 23rd to 26th Nov 2006

84. Invited for a guest lecture on “Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Prevention” by Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun on 2nd March 2007 on the occasion of World Kidney day

85. Invited talk on “CM in Renal Transplant” in 2nd International paediatric nephrology course organised by department of paediatric nephrology held on 9th to 11th March 2007 at AIIMS

86. Invited talk on “CNI in Renal Transplant: Controversy and Challenges” during annul Conference of East Zone of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Kolkata on 22nd September 2007.

87. Invited talk on “FK Experience in Renal Transplant” during 18th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Banglore on 5th to 7th Oct 2007.

88. Invited talk on “Post transplant viral infections-CMV and HCV” during 38th Annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at New Delhi between 13th to 15th December 2007

89. Invited as faculty to chair the session on “Renal replacement Therapy” during Golden Jubilee Medicine Update organised by Maulana Azad Medical College at New Delhi on 9th to 13th December 2007

90. Invited faculty for a talk on “Primer in Renal Transplantation” during National CME on renal Transplantation organised by department of Nephrology, Sri Ramchandra University, Chennai on 11th and 12th April 2008.

91. Invited talk on “Management of HCV during dialysis” during Dialysiscon 2008 held at Lucknow

92. Convene of session on “Liver Disease during Dialysis” during DIALYSISCON 2008 held at Lucknow during 11th to 14th September 2008.

93. Invited Guest lecture on “Management of Hepatitis B and C in Renal Replacement Therapy” organised by Kolkata Nephrology Forum held on 20th September 2008.

94. Guest lecture on “Newer Immunosuppressant in renal transplantation” during 9th Asian Congress of Urology helf at New Delhi on 2nd to 5th Oct 2008

95. Presented a paper on Targeted screening of CKD in high risk population INSACON-2008 at Dubai on 12th and 13th oct 2008

96. Invited for talk on “Etiopathogenesis of Nephrolithiasis” during annual medicine update organised by Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi on 11th to 13th Dec 2008.

97. Invited talk on “Magnitude of CKD in India” in a symposium on CKD Prevention during 39th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held during 17th to 20th Dec 2008, at Pune

98. Invited talk on “ Renal Transplantation: Current Perspective” in 64th Annual Conference of API held at Noida on 29th to 1st Feb 2009

99. Invited talk on “Recent advances in Management of Lupus Nephritis” during Rheumatology update-2009 organised by Delhi Rheumatological Association on 22nd Feb 2009 at New Delhi.

100. Guest lecture on “CKD in India” during 4th National conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology on 24th and 25th April 2009 at Chennai.

101. Guest lecture on “Anaemia in CKD” during annual CME of East Delhi Branch of Indian Medical Association held on 14th June 2009.

102. Plenary Lecture during ISN East Zone Annual conference on ‘HCV Management in Renal Replacement Therapy’ held at Patna on 7th and 8th Nov 2009

103. Guest lecture on “Renal Transplantation in India: AIIMS Experience” during 33rd International Society conference of the Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association, held in Delhi on 12th to 15th Nov 2009.

104. Guest lecture on “CKD Magnitude and Prevention in India” during 65th annual conference of association of Physician of India held on 8th to 10th Jan 2010 at Jaipur.

105. Guest lecture on “ADPKD: How to reduce cyst burden”. During Annual conference of Northern Chapter ISN 2010 held at Manesar, Gurgaon on 22nd to 24th Jan 2010.

106. Guest lecture on “Management of HCV patient in Renal Transplant” during Transplant Update-2010 organised by Institute of Kidney Transplantation Ahmadabad between 12-14th Feb 2010.

107. Lecture on “CKD and its Management” on CME Program of PAN-African e-network project on 8th March 2010 between 4-5 PM, from AIIMS telemedicine unit.

108. Invited Guest lecture on “Evaluation & management of Kidney Transplant Recipient with Liver Disease” in Review Course in Nephrology held on 19th September at Medanta The Medicity.

109. Invited Guest lecture on “Kidney failure in India and Need of Kidney transplant” during National Annual Transplant Coordinators’ Workshop on 20th and 21st August, 2010, at Hyderabad.

110. Invited talk on “HCV and glomerular disease” during 41st Annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Trivandrum on 2-5 th December 2010

111. Invited talk on “Management of HCV during renal replacement therapy” during 41st Annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Trivandrum on 2-5th December 2010.

112. Invited talk on “Retarding progressive CKD” during 4th annual nephrology CME course held at AIIMS on 29-30th Jan 2011.

113. Invited talk on “Prevention and Management of Hepatitis during dialysis” in 4th annual conference of International Society of Nephrology held at New Delhi 3-5th March 2011.

114. Discussed CPC during 66th Annual Conference of Association of Physician of India held at Ahmedabad between 6-9th January 2011.

115. Invited talk on “CKD prevention in North India” during 6th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology at Hyderabad between 12-13th March 2011.XXXXXXX

116. Invited Guest lecture on “Viral Associated Nephropathy” during symposium of Glomerular Diseases organised by Muljibhai Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Nadiad, Ahmadabad on 18th Aug 2011.


117. Invited lecture on Tuberculosis in Renal Transplantation during 12th annual Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation held at Seoul, Korea between 25th to 28th September 2011

118. Invited talk on “Prinmer on Renal Transplant” during 5th Pediatric Nephrolgoy Course held at AIIMS on 6-8th Jan 2012.

119. Clinico-immunological Issues in renal transplantation: Clinician’s perspective during 5th Congress of the Federation of Immunological Society of Asia Oceana, held in Delhi during 14-17th March 2012.

120. Invited talk on “Early diagnosis of AKI and role of Biomarker” during critical care nephrology CME held at New Delhi on 21-22nd Jan 2012.

121. Invited Guest lecture on “HCV Management in CKD” during Cross Talk between Nephrologist and Gastroenterologist Symposium on Liver and Kidney Disease organized by ILBS on 28th April 2012.

122. Invited Guest lecture on “Nutrition in Kidney Disease” during Golden Jubilee conference of Indian Dietetic Association held on 29th Nov to 1st Dec at Hyderabad.

123. Invited as faculty in Pulmocrit 2012 conference held at AIIMS between 15-16 Dec 2012 at New Delhi

124. Invited talk on “Current Advances in Viral Hepatitis” a meeting organized by Foundation for Research in Digestive and Liver Disorders, 19thDec 2012 (Wednesday) at India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, Delhi

125. Invited talk on “Impact of Hepatitis during hemodialysis” during annual conference of Indian Society of Hemodialysis held at Bhubaneswar on 7-9 th March 2013.

126. Invited talk on Graft Dysfunction: Nephrologist perspective during Annual conference of Indian Society Renal Transplant Pathology Conference 2013 held at New Delhi on 12-13th September.

127. Invited talk on Challenges in HCV treatment during 8th annual conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology held on 22-24th Aug 2013 at Port Blair.

128. Guest lecture on Renal Transplant in India: Current status during 3rd Scientific Conference of the Indian Society for Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (ISHI 2013) Oct 7-9, 2013, New Delhi

129. Guest lecture on HCV treatment during RRT in India during annual west zone chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology 2013 held at Rajkot on 24-25 September 2013.

130. Invited talk on “Hepatitis and Renal Transplant” during 24th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation held between 25th to 27thOct, 2013 at Bhubaneswar.

131. Invited talk on “Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease in India’ during 25th ‘World Vegetarian Awareness Day and Addictions Free Lifestyle way to Healthy Living’ Program, 16-17 November 2013 at Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi

132. Invited talk on “Management of HCV patients during Renal Replacement Therapy” during annual conference of East Zone ISN-2013 held at Guwahati on 22nf to 24th Nov 2013.

133. Invited talk on “HCV in Dialysis: Where are we and where we have to go” during 44th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at New Delhi on 13th to 15th December, 2013.

134. Invited talk on “Interface Glomerulopathy” during midyear CME-2014 of International Academy of Pathology-Indian Division (IAP-ID) on “The Disease Process: From Pathogenesis to Prognosis” held on 14th and 15th June 2014 at New Delhi.

135. Invited talk on “Complicated UTI” during Mid year conference of East Delhi Association of Physician, held on 27th July at New Delhi

136. Invited talk on “Managing Lupus Nephritis” during CME organized by Rheumatologic Foundation and held at Lucknow on 9th Aug 2014.

137. Invited talk on “Reno vascular hypertension: Current guidelines on management” during 23rd Annual conference of Indian Society of Hypertension held at New Delhi on 9th-10th Aug 2014.

138. Invited talk on “Darbapoetin as EPO in Anemia of CKD”during DocMode webinar held on 8th Aug 2014.

139. Invited talk on Pre-renal transplant immunological monitoring in renal transplant patients during 9th annual conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology held on 6-7 th September 2014 at Indore.

140. Management of HCV during renal replacement therapy during CME organized by Dayanand Medical College Ludhiana on 27th Sep 2014 at Ludhiana.

141. Invited talk on “Hepatitis and Glomerulonephritis” during 12th Asian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology held during 4-6 th Dec 2014, at New Delhi

142. Invited talk on Acute Kidney Injury during Nephrology update-2014 organised by Jaypee group of hospital for physician on 7th Dec at New Delhi

143. Invited talk on AKI in India during 20th Annual Conference of CRRT and AKI held at San Diego, USA during 17th to 20th February 2015

144. Invited talk on Should HCV positive patients should be isolated during hemodialysis during 6
th Biannual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Mumbai during 27th Feb to 1st March 2015.

145. Invited talk on Impact of Type of Calcineurin Inhibitor on tuberculosis following renal transplantation at World Congress of Nephrology-2015 held at Cape Town South Africa on 13th to 17th March 2015.

146. Management of HCV in renal replacement therapy in the Delhi Nephrology Society CME held on 8th May 2015 at India Habitat Center

147. Rituximab in Nephrotic Syndrome during 10th annual conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology held on 13-14th June 2015, at SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.

148. Two invited talk on Current status of organ transplant in India and National Organ and Tissue Transplant Registry during Organ Transplant EME held at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi on 12th December 2015

149. IPNA-AsPNA Training Course in Pediatric Nephrology to be held from 1 to 3 April 2016 at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

150. Invited faculty during PD SCIENTI INDIA meeting at SIR GANGA RAM HOSPITAL held during 18th – 19th June, 2016

151. Invited faculty during Annual Conference Delhi Nephrology Society meeting on 26th June 2016 at India Habitat centre New Delhi

152. Invited faculty Scholar’s Connect Nephrology PG Course 2016’ from 24th to 25th September 2016 at Lucknow and delivered talk on Renal Transplant: A case based approach.

153. Invited faculty for ADQI consensus meeting on “Management of AKI in the Developing World” during 27th to 30th September, 2016 at Hyderabad.

154. Invited faculty for 47th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at Mumbai during 15th to 17th December, 2016 and chaired a session on Viral Infection in Renal Transplantation.

155. Invited faculty for a CME on ” Kidney Disease in HIV”, held at Hyderabad on 7th January and gave a talk on “Renal Transplantation in HIV “.

156. Invited faculty for a conference on Critical care and Infection in Liver Disease held on 24th to 26th January at ILBS, New Delhi and gave a talk on “SLED vs CRRT” in ICU setting.

157. Invited talk on “Viral Infection related Glomerular Disease” during 23rd annual conference of north zoneIndian society of nephrology and 1st conference of Indian Society of Intervention and Critical Care Nephrology held at Lucknow during 3rd to 5th February, 2017.

158. Invited talk on “Borderline Changes: Clinician Perspective” and chaired a session during 3rd International Renal Pathology Conference held at New Delhi on 10-12th Feb, 2017 at AIIMS, New Delhi

159. Invited talk on “How to write a good manuscript” during “Research Methodology Workshop” organized by Indian Society of Nephrology at Hotel JW Marriott’s, at New Delhi on 9-11th June 2017.

160. Invited talk on “NOTTO Functionality” during 28th annual conference of Indian Society of organ
transplantation held between 13-15th Oct, 2017 at Indore.

161. Invited talk on Hindi Divas on “CKD and Its Prevention” on 21st September at Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi.

162. Invited talk on “Pre-transplant Immunological monitoring” during Nephrology PG Course 2017 at Kolkata at Swissotel during 7-8 th Oct, 2017.

163. Invited talk on “NOTTO: functionality of NOTTO registry” during ISOT annual meeting at Indore between 12-15th Oct, 2017 at Brilliant Convention Center, Indore.

164. Invited talk on “Approach to Glomerular Disease” during AIIMS Glomerulonephritis Conclave-2017 on 27th to 29th oct, 2017 at Board Room, AIIMS, New Delhi.

165. Invited talk on “Pattern of GN in North India” during AIIMS Glomerulonephritis Conclave-2017 on 27th to 29th oct, 2017 at Board Room, AIIMS, New Delhi.

166. Delivered “Vidya Acharya Oration” during annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held at New Delhi between 14-17th Dec at hotel Pullman.

167. Invited talk on “NOTTO” during organ donation program at RML hospital, New Delhi on 19th January, 2018 in auditorium.

168. Invited talk on “NOTTO” during “The Transplant Colloquium” held at Kolkata at Taj gateway Hotel on 21st January, 2018 organised by Kolkata Nephrology Forum.

169. Invited talk on “NOTTO: Where we stand today” during Transplant Update-2018 organised by IKDRC-ITS at institute auditorium during 2-4th Feb, 2018 at Ahmedabad.

170. Invited talk on “Recipient and donor selection for renal transplant” during 73rd annual conference of APICON held at Bangalore during 22-25th Feb, 2018 at GKVK Campus, Bangalore.

171. Invited talk on “Long-term outcome of AKI in India” during “AKI-CRRT-2018” annual conference at San Diego, USA during 6-9th March 2018 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, San Diego

172. Invited talk on Role of NOTTO, SOTTO and ROTTO in Deceased Donor Transplant in India” during Indian Society of Organ Transplant (ISOT) Mid-term meeting held at PGIMER Chandigarh on 13-14th April 2018 at Chandigarh.

173. Invited talk on Basic of CKD and Kidney Transplantation” during the transplant coordinator course organized by NOTTO during 24-28th April 2018 at NOTTO office.

174. Invited talk on “Antibody Mediated Rejection” during 11th annual conference of Nephrology, Urology and Transplantation Society of SAARC countries held at Kathmandu on 27-28th April 2018

175. Invited talk on “Treatment of HCV in ESRD and after Renal Transplant” during North East Nephrology Conference (NENCON-2018) held during 16th and 17th June 2018 at Guwahati.

176. Chaired a scientific session on “Dr KK Malhotra Oration” during AVATAR conference held at Hotel Lalit on 20th July 2019, at New Delhi.

177. Invited talk on “Deceased Organ Donation: Understanding the basics” to staff of MOHFW and Directorate General Health Services in Nirman Bhawan on occasion of Organ Donation week on 13th Aug, 2018.

178. Invited talk on “Different Transplant Policy in Different States in spite of Same law of Land: Good or Bad” during Annual conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplant held at Hyderabad International Convention Center between 4-7 th Oct, 2019.

179. Invited talk on “Deceased donor transplantation: Understanding the Basics” at Safdarjung hospital, new Delhi for faculty and resident of the hospital on 12th Oct, 2018.

180. Invited talk on Liver biopsy in chronic kidney disease. During INASL and Indian Society of Nephrology combined meeting held on 20-21st Oct, 2018 at Hotel Radisson, Dwarka New Delhi

181. Invited talk on “CMV Infection in RT: Indian Perspective” during Bangladesh Renal Association Conference 2018, held at Dhaka on 17-18th Nov, 2018.

182. Invited talk on “Post-RT DSA Monitoring and its implication” during Bangladesh Renal Association Conference 2018, held at Dhaka on 17-18th Nov, 2018.

183. Invited talk on “Issues in deceased donor program” during 9th Indian Organ Donation Day, held at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi on 27th Nov, 2018

184. Chaired a scientific session on “Kidney Failure Risk Equation: A guide for CKD Care” during 49th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology held during 20-23rd December at Mayfair Lagoon & Convention Center at Bhubaneswar.

185. Chaired a scientific session on “How to manage a difficult case of lupus nephritis” during “NephroImmune 2019” held on 3rd February, 2019 at Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi

186. Invited guest lecture on “Management of HCV during renal replacement therapy” during Nephrology CME on the occasion of World Kidney Day-2019, held at KIMS, Bhubaneswar on 16th March 2019

187. Invited talk on “Approach to Rapidly Progressive GN” during IPNA-AsPNA Junior Master Class in Pediatric Nephrology and XI Annual Pediatric Nephrology Training Course, held on 6-7 April 2019 at AIIMS, New Delhi.

188. Invited Dr. Sidhartha N Shah Oration on Epidemiology on “Public Health Initiative Directed Towards Community Screening of Hypertension and CKD” during 28th Annual Conference of Hypertension Society of India and 1st International Kidney and Hypertension Conference, held at Hotel Trident, Mumbai on 20-22nd Sep, 2019.

189. Plenary lecture on “Hepatitis C and CKD” during 14th annual conference of Indian Academy of Nephrology held between 18th to 20th Oct, 2019 at Maurya Hotel, Patna.

190. Invited clinical discussant for “clinic-pathological conference” organsied by Association of Physician of India (Delhi-State Chapter) annual conference held on 14-15th Dec 2019 at Hotel Asoka, New Delhi.

191. Invited talk on “Barriers in Deceased Donor transplantation” in a meeting organized by IIT Mumbai on 15th Jan 2020 at IIT Mumbai campus, held on 15th Jan 2020.

192. Invited talk on “Barriers of Deceased Donor Transplantation” during Transplant Colloquium organized by East Zone Nephrology forum on 18-19th Jan 2020 at Hotel Taj Vivanta, Kolkata.

193. Invited talk on “Diabetic kidney disease: Under recognized phenotypes” during Annual Delhi Nephrology Society update held on 2nd Feb 2020 in India Habitat Center, New Delhi.

194. Invited talk on “Compartmentalized CMV in RT” during Annual conference of North Zone Indian Society of Nephrology held at Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Lucknow on 28h Nov to 1st March 2020.

195. Invited talk on “IL2R Blocker as Induction in Renal Transplantation” during Annual conference of North Zone Indian Society of Nephrology held at Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Lucknow on 28h Nov to 1st March 2020.

196. Invited talk in Indian perspective on ERA-EDTA Conference 2020 topics on CKD-Two decades of progress and challenges for the future during WEBINAR held on 23rd July 2020 between 6.00-8.00 PM.

197. Talk on “Policy to enhance Living and Deceased renal transplant in India” during webinar held on 7th Aug, 2020, organised by AIIMS Bhopal.

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