Contribution to Nephrology
International Level
Year | Content |
2016 | Elected by the ISN-Advancing Clinical Trial (ACT) as ISN-ACT Committee member for 2 years starting on 1-Jun-16. |
2013 | I was invited by Swedish Ministry for Health and Social Affairs, as technical expert to this high-level conference titled ‘Fine-tuning health care – improved outcomes and cost efficiency using quality registries’, which took place in Stockholm, Sweden on 21–22 May, 2013. |
2013 | Invited to be member of the Clinical Endpoint Adjudication Committee (CEAC) for Centre of Excellence – Centre for Cardio-metabolic Risk Reduction in South Asia (COE-CARRS) Translation trial to reduce CVD risk and events in diabetes patients funded by National Institutes of Health– National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, USA |
2013 | Invited by Swedish Ministry for Health and Social Affairs, as technical expert to this high-level conference titled ‘Fine-tuning health care – improved outcomes and cost efficiency using quality registries’, which took place in Stockholm, Sweden on 21–22 May, 2013. |
Year | Content |
2012 | Initiated Chronic Kidney Group Task Force, accepted by International Society of Nephrology to create a document advocating for CKD awareness in various countries, including India. |
2012 | Founder member of International Society of Nephrology and American Nephrologist of Indian Origin Committee for promoting nephrology care in India. |
2012 | Included as subject expert for the Education Website of International Society of Nephrology from the Indian subcontinent. |
2011 | Visited Australia (Adelaide, Sydney, and Brisbane) for setting up Transplant Registry for National Organ Transplant Program of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (10th–21st Oct 2011). |
2011 | Invited by University of Washington, Seattle, for a talk on “Renal Replacement Therapy in India” (16th Nov 2011). |
2011 | Official visit to Spain as member of MOHFW delegation, Government of India, regarding National Organ Transplant Program. |
2009 | Received “Scholarship for WCN-2009 Satellite Conference: Kidney Diseases in Disadvantageous Populations” in Milan, Italy (26th–28th May 2009). |
2006 | Represented India at KDIGO conference on “Chronic Kidney Disease as Global Health Problem: Approaches and Initiatives” held in Amsterdam (12th–14th Oct 2006). |
2005 | Invited to review the book Kidney Diseases in the Developing World and Ethnic Minorities (Meguid El Nahas, ed.) for New England Journal of Medicine. |
2004 | Delivered two guest lectures at the conference “Prevention of Renal Diseases in the Emerging World: Towards Global Health Equity,” jointly organized by Rockefeller Foundation and International Society of Nephrology, held in Italy (15th–19th March 2004). |
National Level Achievements
Year | Content |
2020 | Invited as subject expert for collaboration strategy between National Tuberculosis Elimination Program and National Organ Transplant Program in India. |
2020 | Invited as subject expert for collaboration strategy between National Tuberculosis Elimination Program and Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Program in India. |
2020 | Member of Expert Committee to comprehensively review the National Programme for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) starting 2021 onward. |
2020 | Expert member of National Oversight Committee (NatCom) for Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme (PMNDP). |
2018 | Invited to be member of Technical Expert Committee for NPCDCS to explore the possibility of setting up a National Institute of Chronic Disease (NICD), under the chairmanship of DGHS, GOI. |
Year | Content |
2017 | Invited to be a member of Technical Expert Committee for National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke (NPCDCS), Aug 2017. |
2017 | Invited as an expert in Medical Technology Assessment Board (MTAB) of Government of India for renal replacement therapy in the country. |
2016 | Invited to chair WHO and MOHFW expert group for making guidelines for management of CKD at the primary healthcare level in India. |
2016 | Invited to chair an expert group for making Guidelines for Prevention of Kidney Diseases for MOHFW, Government of India. |
2016 | Member of Expert Group for a study on “National Estimation of Blood Requirement in the country” initiated by NACO in association with Christian Medical Association of India and CDC India. |
2016 | Invitation for Board Of Study (BOS) – Member for Dialysis Management at Texila American University. |
2016 | Invited to lead a central team sent by MOHFW, Government of India, to visit Srikakulam district in Andhra Pradesh to assess the increasing incidence of CKD in the affected area (19th–22nd Jan, 2017). |
2016 | Invited to be a member of the “Expert Group” constituted for Kidney Diseases under the Grant-in-Aid scheme of Inter-Sectoral Convergence and Coordination for Promotion and Guidance on Health Research by the Department of Health Research. |
2015 | Nominated to be a member of the expert group on medical services at Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, by DG, ICMR. |
2015 | Executive member of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, 2015-2016. |
2015 | Elected Member, Governing Body of Indian Society of Nephrology, 2015-2017. |
2015 | Invited faculty for a meeting titled “Understanding the Health of Agriculture Workforce with Focus on CKD of Non-Traditional (CKDnT) Causes” held on 15th January at India Habitat Center, New Delhi. |
2014 | Requested to be reviewer for “Health Education Material for Classes III to X” made under aegis of NIHFW, MOHFW, GOI, New Delhi, 7th Aug, 2014. |
2014 | Invited to be a member of the Expert Group for studying the impact of Bhopal Gas on the development of CKD in Bhopal. |
2014 | Invited to be a Core Committee Member for National List of Essential Medicine Revision Committee, 2014. |
2014 | Chief Advisor for National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation Website and Registry, Government of India. |
2012 | Nominated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India as member of Technical Resource Group-I for Life Style Diseases in the context of Non Communicable Diseases to help formulate Guidelines on Policy and Technical Issues related to Chronic Kidney Disease, Organ and Tissue Transplant. |
2012 | Invited as member committee to review and finalize the intramural and extramural research projects under National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH) received by the NIREH/ICMR, New Delhi. |
2012 | Invited to be member of Ad-hoc-Postgraduate Super-Specialty Committee of Medical Council of India as appointed by the Board of Governors. |
2012 | Nominated as member of a High Powered Committee constituted under the direction of Hon. Court “to consider making the Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal a teaching institution”. |
2011 | Nominated to be “Member of Specialty Advisory Board” of National Board of Examinations to formulate guidelines and criteria of various issues related to Nephrology in India. |
2011 | Nominated to be “Chairman for Nephrology Specialty” of Medical Council of India to formulate guidelines and criteria of various issues related to Nephrology curriculum in India. |
2009 | Invited as Chief Guest to Inaugurate Renal Transplant Facility at BGS-Global Hospital at Bangalore. |
2009 | Nominated by government of India as country representative as nephrologist for a regional meeting of SEARO region on WHO guiding principles for organ transplantation (2009). |
2009 | Member of committee for making guidelines and course material for training of Renal Transplant Surgeons in India. |
2009 | Chairman of Technical Advisory Committee for Nephrology and Related equipments for the department of critical care for Institute of Liver and Biliary Disease (2009). |
2008 | Member of expert committee to make “guidelines for inspection of hospitals for their registration for renal transplantation” under THOA 2008. |
2008 | Executive member of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, 2008-2010. |
2008 | Member of Committee of Faculty expert for evaluation of Architectural Designs for AIIMS Likes institutions at Bhopal, Bhuvaneshwar, Raipur and Patna, 2008. |
2008 | Elected Member Governing body Indian Society of Nephrology, 2008-2010. |
2008 | Member of scientific committee of Northern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology, 2008-2010. |
2008 | Member of curriculum committee “to frame and monitor the development of instructional courses material and implementation of training of physician for dialysis” 2008. |
2007 | Invited as expert for ICMR-WHO Workshop on “Mapping Pattern of Diabetes in India” held at ICMR headquarter on 21st Nov 2007, New Delhi. |
2007 | Invited to be member of “Advisory Group” for the Registry of People with Diabetes with Young Age” initiated by ICMR, New Delhi, 2007. |
2007 | Member Scientific Committee Indian Society of Nephrology, 2007-2009. |
2007 | Member of Scientific Committee of Delhi Nephrology Society, 2007. |
2006 | Invited as speaker for a workshop on “Identifying Strategies for Data Collection in Diabetes” organized by Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi with an aim to ascertain methods of data registration in different part of country on 28th and 29th Nov 2006 at India International Centre, New Delhi. |
2006 | Invited as Guest Editor for the symposium on “Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease” for Journal of International Medical science Academy, April to June issue 2006. |
2006 | Member of Technical Core Group for equipments at NEIGRIHMS, Shilong, 2006. |
2005 | Invited to be member of Task Force to draft “Guidelines for the Authorisation Committee” and an Incentive Policy for Donors” in relation to organ transplantation in the country organised by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi, 2005. |
2005 | Invited to be member of Ethics committee for Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, 2005. |
2005 | Member of “CKD Registry group” in India, 2005. |
2005 | Member of “CKD Collaborative Group” for making management guidelines for chronic kidney disease in India, 2005. |
2005 | Joint Secretary” of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, 2005-06. |
2005 | Hon. Secretary of Indian Academy of Nephrology. |
2003 | Member Executive Council of Indian Society of Nephrology. |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Level Achievements
Year | Content |
2010 | Nominated as Member Dean’s Committee AIIMS 2010-2011. |
2010 | Member of Institute Research Committee for approving the research proposal for intra-mural funding, 2010. |
2009 | Member of Medical Death Review Committee of the Hospital, 2009. |
2007 | Member of Hospital Ethical Committee, AIIMS, 2007. |
2007 | Invited to be member of core committee for SRB Center for Clinical Pharmacology at AIIMS, 2007. |
2006 | Nominated member of Telemedicine Committee of AIIMS, 2006. |
2006 | Member of Stem Cell Facility at AIIMS, 2006. |