In Index Journals

1. Kothari SS, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Kumar SK, Kumar A, Bhuyan UN, Kumar R.
Immunohistology and clinical and clinical presentation of mesangio proliferative
glomerulonephritis. J Assoc. Phy India 1987;34:191-194.

2. Agarwal SK, Mitra MK, Misra R, Sethi PPS, Murthy PK, Chatterjee, RK. Comparative
evaluation of imunodiagnostic tests in lymphatic filariasis using Brugia Malayi Adult whole
worm antigen. J Assoc Phy India 1987;36:507-509

3. Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Saxena S, Bajpai V, Bhuyan UN, Dash SC, Malhotra KK. Idiopathic
adult minimal change disase. A clinicopathological study and response to therapy. J Assoc
Phy India 1987;35:756-759.

4. Agarwal SK. Is renogram more confirmatory.J Assoc Phy India 1987;35:875.
5. SC Tiwari, S Sahwney, SK Agarwal, RR Singh, KK Malhotra. Ultrasound guided kidney
biopsy. J Assoc Phy India 1988;36:327-328.

6. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Malhotra KK, Tiwari SC, Mehta SN, Dhawan IK. Incidence of reflux
nephropathy (RN) in ESRD and effect of nephrectomy in RN on blood pressure and
haematocrit following renal transplantation. J Assoc Phy India 1989;37:207-211.

7. SK Agarwal, SC Dash, SN Mehta. Recurrence of Idiopathic membranous in HLA identical
allograft. Nephron 1992;60:366.

8. Agarwal SK. Cyclosporine J Int med Science Academy. 1992;5:141-147.

9. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Bhuyan UN. Idiopathic adult focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): A clinicopathological study and response to steroid. Nephron

10. Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Spectrum of poisoning requiring haemodialysis in a tertiary care hospital in India. J Artif. Organ and Transpl. 1993;16:20-23.

11. Agarwal SK, Mittal D, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Saxena S, Saxena R, Mehta SN. Azothioprine induced pure red blood cell aplasia in renal transplant recipient. Nephron 1993;63:471.

12. Saxena S, Hotchandani RK, Bhuyan UN, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Membranous glomerulonephritis associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nephron.1993;63:316-317.

13. SK Agarwal, SC Tiwari, KK Malhotra, SC Dash. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis following visceral sepsis. J Assoc Phy India 1990;38.

14. Agarwal SK. Dialysis in poisoning and drug overdose. J Int Med Sci Academy. 1993; 6:93-96.

15. Malhotra KK, Dash SC, Shar RK, Dhawan IK, Mehta SN, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK and Bhunyan UN. Outcome of patients with pre-existing hepatitis B virus infection following renal transplantation. Trop Gastro. 1993; 14:16-20.

16. Dash SC, Bhuyan UN, Gupta A, Sharma LC, Kumar A, Agarwal SK. Falciparum malaria complicating cholestatic jaundice and acute renal failure. J Assoc Phy India 1994; 42:101-102.

17. Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Mehta SN, Saxena S, Mehra NK. Results of living related renal transplantation using HLA -identical donors. Nephron. 1994; 66:248.

18. Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Mehta SN, Saxena S, Banerjee U, Kumar R, Bhuyan UN. Urinary sporotrichosis in a renal allograft recipient. Nephron. 1994; 66:485.

19. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Mehta SN, Saxena S, Malhotra KK. Clinico pathological course of hepatitis B infection in surface antigen carriers following living related renal transplantation. Am J Kidney Dis. 1994; 24:78-82.

20. Mittal R, Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Bilateral renal stones associated with nail patella syndrome. Nephron.1994; 68:509.

21. Agarwal SK. Isolated hematuria: An investigatory approach. J Assoc Phy India. 1994; 42:148.

22. Mittal R., Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Situs inversus. A rare extrarenal association on Alport’s syndrome. Nephron. 1994; 68:390.

23. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Saxena S, Mehta SN, Guleria S, Dwivedi SN and Mehra NK. Results of conversion from triple drug to double drug therapy in living related renal transplantation. Transplantation. 1995; 59:27-31.

24. Mittal R, Saxena Sanjeev, Guleria S, Mittal SK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Visceral leishmaniasis: A rare cause of unexplained pyrexia in renal allograft recipients. Nephron. 1995; 70:123-124.

25. Mittal R, Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Saxena S, Tiwari SC, Mehta SN, Bhuyan UN and Mehra NK. Clinical profile course and outcome of late acute rejections in live-related renal allograft recipients. Nephron.1995; 71:40-43.

26. Mittal SK, Dash SC, Mittal R, Issac R, Dinda A, Agarwal SK, Saxena S, Tiwari SC. McArdle disease presenting as acute renal failure. Nephron.1995; 71:109.

27. Guleria S, Sinha S, Dorairajan CN, Khazanchi RK, Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Spontaneous renal allograft rupture still a threat. Nephron. 1995;70:385-6.

28. Srivastava DN, Mukhopadhya S, Agarwal SK, Unilateral ureteric triplication with contralateral duplication. Nephron. 1996;74:427-428.

29. Dash SC, Bhargava Y, Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dinda A. Acute renal failure and renal papillary necrosis following instillation of silver nitrate for treatment of chyluria. Nephr Dial Transp. 1996; 11:1841-42.

30. Saxena S, Dash SC, Guleria S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Mehta SN. Post transplant diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipient: A single centre experience. J Assoc Phy India. 1996;46:472-479.

31. Rao PN, Mehta SN, Guleria S, Bharadwaj M, Saxena S, Khazanchi RK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, dash SC. The quality of life in successful live-related renal allograft recipients in India. Nat Med J India. 1996; 9:118-119.

32. Mittal R, Agarwal SK, Dash SC eta al. Treatment of acute rejection in live related renal allograft recipients. A comparison of three different protocols. Nephron. 1997; 77:186-189.

33. Dash SC, Bhunyan UN, Dinda Amit, Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Nandy S. Increased incidence of glomerulonephritis following splenorenal shunt surgery in non cirrhotic portal fibrosis. Kidney Int. 1997; 52:482-485.

34. Bhowmik D, Dash SC, Jain D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dinda AK. Renal artery stenosis and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in contralateral kidney. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1998; 13:1562-64.

35. Agarwal SK, Irshad M, Dash SC. HCV Infection during renal replacement therapy: Should we dialyze all hepatitis C positive patients on dedicated machines. Nephron. 1998; 79:479-480.

36. Guleria S, Seth A, Dinda AK, Kumar R, Chhabra RP, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, dash SC. Ureteric aspergilloma as the cause of ureteric obstruction in a renal transplant recipient. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1998; 13:792-793

37. Irshad M, Agarwal SK. Hepatitis C in New Delhi, India. Hepatology Research. 1998; 11:129-132.

38. Agarwal SK, Saha Debashish. Viral hepatitis in Haemodialysis: Current perspective. J Int med Science Academy. 1998;11:46-51.

39. Agarwal SK, Mohan MP, Varghese M. Assessment of awareness regarding universal precaution among the nursing staff of AIIMS in 1997. J Assoc Phy India. 1998; 46:1061.

40. Agarwal SK, Irshad M, Dash SC. Comparison of two schedule of hepatitis B vaccination in patients with mild, moderate and chronic renal failure. J Assoc Phy India. 1999; 47:183-185.

41. Bhowmik D, Dinda AK, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Mathur P. Recurrent granulomatous interstitial nephritis induced by commonly used antibiotic. J Assos Phy India. 1999; 47:635-636.

42. Agarwal SK. Virus and Kidney. Journal of International Medical Science Academy. 1999; 2:171-177.

43. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Irshad M. Hepatitis C infection during haemodialysis in India. J Assoc Phy India. 1999; 47:1139-1143.

44. Agarwal SK, Irshad M, Dash SC. Prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis E virus in haemodialysis patients in India. Nephron. 1999; 81:448.

45. Modi GK, Bhowmik D, Padmanabhan S, gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Lymph leakage following subclavian vein catheterisation. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1999; 14:447-448.

46. Mittal SK, Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Saxena S, Fishbane S. Bone histology in patients with nephrotic syndrome and normal renal function. Kidney International. 1999; 55:1912-1919.

47. Bhowmik D, dash SC, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Guleria S, Mehta SN. Spousal renal transplantation in India. Nephron Dial Transplant. 1999;14: 2052-2053.

48. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Guleria S and Mehta SN. Routine gastrointestinal tract evaluation before renal transplantation-is it must in all patients. Nephron 1999;83:368.

49. Irshad M, Agarwal SK. Occurrence of viral hepatitis during haemodialysis and renal transplantation in CRF patients in Delhi. International Medical Journal 1999; 6:307-308.

50. Bhowmik D, Modi GK, Ray D, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Total dose iron infusion: Safety and efficacy in pre-dialysis patients. Renal Failure. 2000;22(1): 39-43.

51. Dinda AK, Singh C, dash SC, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Gupta S, Bagga A. Role of supravital staining of urine sediment and bright field microscopy in diagnosis of ARF in bedside medicine. J Assoc Phy India. 2000; 48:958-961.

52. Agarwal SK, Dash SC. Spectrum of renal diseases in India in adults. J Assoc Phy India. 2000; 48:594-600.

53. Agarwal SK. Hypochromic anemia in chronic renal failure-role of Aluminum. J Assoc Phy India. 2000;48:594.

54. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Irshad M, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Guleria S, Mehta SN. Impact of hepatitis C viral infection on renal transplant outcome in India- A Single center study. J Assoc Phy India. 2000;48: 1155-1159.

55. Agarwal SK. Prevention of hepatitis B virus infection – A nephrologist point of view. Indian J Gastroenterology 2000; 19 (Suppl 3): C21.

56. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Irshad M, Dinda A. Prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in primary glomerular diseases in India. Nephron. 2000; 84:290.

57. Dinda Amit, Singh C, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Bagga A. Diagnosis of glomerular hematuria by image cytometry of urinary red cells. Nephron. 2001; 88:93-94.

58. Bhowmik D, Mathur R, Bhargava Y, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, dash SC. Chronic interstitial nephritis following parenteral copper sulphate poisoning. Renal Failure 2001;23(5):731-735.

59. Gupta S, Dash SC, Bhowmik D, Mohanty NK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Losartan use in mild to moderate hypertension – Adverse effects in moderate to severe renal failure. J Assoc Phy India. 2001; 49:591.

60. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Mehta SN, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Guleria S. Results of renal transplantation on conventional immunosuppression in second decade in India: A single centre experience. J Asso Phy India. 2001: 50:532-536.

61. Mahajan S, Agarwal SK. Use of Erythropetin in Pre-Dialysis Patients. Journal International Medical Science Academy. 2001; 14:115-116.

62. Bhowmik D, Jain PK, Masih JA, Saha D, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Tandem Plasmapheresis and haemodialysis. Ther Apher. 2001; 5:439-441.

63. Irshad M, Peter S, Agarwal SK, Chaudhary BS. Viral hepatitis in multiple blood transfused patients treated at a referral hospital at Delhi, India. International Medical Journal. 2002; 9:57-60.

64. Bhowmik D, Padmanabhan S, Dinda A, Modi G, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Hepatitis C virus related Cryoglobinemic glomerulonephritis. J Assoc Phy India. 2002; 50:275-277.

65. Irshad M, Peter S, Agarwal SK. Transmission of Hepatitis –E Virus Infection Via Parenteral Routes in Delhi, India. J Inter Med Science Academy. 2002; 15:75-78.

66. Agarwal SK, Dinda A, Saha D, Dash SC, Ramasethu R, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC. Early non-hodgkin lymphoma (Null cell type) with uncommon presentation in renal transplant recipient. J Assoc Phy India. 2002: 50:734-736.

67. Gupta S, Dash SC, Sharma S, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Wani M, Ramasethu R, Tiwari SC, Guleria S, Mehta SN. Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia: Role of high resolution Computed Tomography. J Assoc Phy India. 2002; 50:726-728.

68. Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Wani M. Angiotensin and its inhibition: A Nephrologist point of view. J Asso Phy India. 2002; 50:1270-1280.

69. Panigrahi A, Agarwal SK, Kanga U, Guleria S, Bhowmik D, Dash SC, Gupta S, Tiwari SC, Mehta SN, Mehra NK. Influence of HLA compatibility on renal graft survival using live unrelated and cadaver donors in India IJMR 2002; 115:158-164.

70. Deka R, Panigrahi A, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Dash SC, Mehta SN, Pandey RM, Mehra NK. Influence of Pretransplant Panel Reactive Antibodies on the Posttransplant Sensitization Status. Transplant Proceeding 2002; 34:3082-3083.

71. Bhowmik D, Dinda AK, Khilnani GC, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Pulmonary Mucormycosis in a diabetic renal transplant patients. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2002; 44:275-77.

72. Basak U, Mitra DK, Panigrahi A, Guleria S, Agarwal SK, Mehta SN, Dash SC, Mehra NK. Clinical Relevance of Monitoring Cytokine Production Following Living Donor Renal Transplantation. Transplant Proceeding 2003; 35:404-406.

73. Guleria S, Khazanchi RK, Dinda AK, Aggarwal S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Mandal S. Spontaneous renal allograft rupture: is graft nephrectomy an option? Transplant Proc. 2003 Feb;35(1):339.

74. Bhowmik D, Bhatia M, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Restless legs syndrome in haemodialysis patients in India: a case-controlled study. Sleep Med 2003 Mar 4(2):143-146.

75. Guleria S, Mehta SN, Mandal S, Aggarwal S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Povidone-iodine in the treatment of lymphatic fistulae in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2003 Feb;35(1):327-8.

76. Guleria S, Aggarwal S, Mandal S, Singh P, Mehta SN, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Gupta S, Tiwari SK, Dash SC. The mini-donor nephrectomy: a viable option. Transplant Proc. 2003 Feb;35(1):39-40.

77. Prakash S, Dash SC, Kumar A, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Acharya SK. Frequency and role of Hepatitis-C virus and type-II Cryoglobunemia in Patients of Membrano-Proliferative Glomerulonephritis. J Assoc Phy India. 2004; 52:451-453.

78. Bhowmik D, Bhatia M, Tiwari SC, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Dash SC. Low prevalence of restless legs syndrome in patients with advanced chronic renal failure in the Indian population: a case controlled study. Ren Fail 2004 Jan;26:69-72.

79. Wani M, Kalra V, Agarwal SK. Low birth weight and its implication in renal disease. J Assoc Phy India. 2004; 52:649-652.

80. Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Dash SC, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC. Prospective Randomised Trial of Isoniazid Prophylaxis in Renal Transplant Recipient. International Urology Nephrology 2004;36(3):425-431.

81. Wani M, Agarwal SK, Kalra V. Drooping eyelids and polycystic kidney disease: A Possible association. JAPI 2004.

82. Agarwal SK, Kalra V, Dinda A, Gupta S, Dash SC, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC. Fibrosing Cholestatic Hepatitis in Renal Transplant recipient with CMV Infection: A Case report. Intern Urology Nephrology 2004;36(3):433-435.

83. Kalra V, Mahajan S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Cardiorenal disease-A clinical intersection. International Urology Nephrology 2004; 1-10.

84. Rotter RC, Naicker S, Katz IJ, Agarwal SK, Valdes RH, Kaseje D, Rodriguez-Iturbe B, Saheen F, Sitthi-Amorn C. On Behalf of the ISN-COMGAN Bellagio Study Group 2004. Demographic and epidemiological transition in the developing world: Role of albuminuria in the early diagnosis and prevention of renal and cardiovascular disease. Kidney Int 2004; 66:S32-S37.

85. Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Khilnani GC, Kapil A, Dar L, Singh UB, Mirdha BR, Xess I, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant recipients in the tropics: A Single Center Study. International urology Nephrology. 2005;37:551-559.

86. Goyal HK, Wadhwa J, Arora B, Dawar R, Agarwal SK, Singh D. interferon induced lupus nephritis in a patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2005;46(3):481-482.

87. Mahajan S, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Factors affecting the use of peritoneal dialysis among the ESRD population in India. A single center experience. Perit Dial Int. 2004; 24:538-541.

88. Guleria S, Agarwal S, Bansal VK, Varma MC, Kashyap L, Tandon N, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Mehra NK, Misra MC. The first successful simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation in India. Nat med J India 2005;18:18-19.

89. Dash SC, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Tiwari SC. Obstructive uropathy as cause of rickets: Often a forgotten entity. Indian J Paed. 2005 ;72:265.

90. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Irshad M, Raju DSB, Singh R, Pandey RM. Prevalence of Chronic Renal failure in adults in Delhi, India. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2005; 20:1638-1642.

91. Bansal R, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. A prospective randomised study to compare ultrasound-guided with nonultrasound-guided double lumen internal jugular catheter insertion as a temporary haemodialysis access. Renal Failure 2005; 27:561-564.

92. Guleria S, Agarwal RK, Guleria R, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. The effect of renal transplantation on pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in patients with end-stage renal disease. Transplant Proc. 2005 Mar;37(2):664-5.

93. Mahajan S, Mukhiya GK, Singh R, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Guleria S, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik DM, Gupta S, Dash SC. Assessing Suitability for Renal Donation: Can Equations Predicting Glomerular Filtration Rate Substitute for a Reference Method in the Indian Population? Nephron Clin Pract. 2005 Jul 5;101(3):c128-c133

94. Mahajan S, Mukhiya GK, Singh R, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Bhowmik DM, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Dash SC. Assessing glomerular filtration rate in healthy Indian adults: A comparison of various prediction equations. J Nephrol. 2005 May-Jun;18(3):257-61.

95. Vikrant S, Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Guleria S, Mehta SN. Prospective randomized control trial of Isoniazid chemoprophylaxis during renal replacement therapy. Trans Inf Diseases Transplant Inf Dis 2005; 7:99-108.

96. Dirk JH, De Zeeuw D, Agarwal SK et al. Prevention of chronic kidney disease: Towards global health equity-The Bellagio 2004 declaration. Kidney international 2005; 98:S1-S6.

97. Agarwal SK. Chronic Kidney Disease and its prevention in India. Kidney International 2005; 98:S41-S45.

98. Mahajan S, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Bhowmik DM, Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Kumar P. Effect of mupirocin application on exit-site infection and peritonitis in an Indian peritoneal dialysis population. Peritoneal Dial Int 2005; 25:473-477.

99. Mahajan S, Kalra V, Dinda AK, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Dash SC. Fibrillary glomerulonephritis presenting as rapidly progressive renal failure in a young female. International Urology Nephrology 2005;37:561-564.

100. Dash SC, Agarwal SK. Incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease in India. Nephrol Dial Transp. 2006;21(1):232-3.

101. Mahajan S, Tiwari S, Bharani R, Bhowmik D, Ravi S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Spectrum of acute renal failure and factors predicting its outcome in an intensive care unit in India. Renal Fail. 2006;28(2):119-24.

102. Agarwal SK. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in India. The Asian J Diabetology 2006; 8:9 12.

103. Agarwal SK, Saxena S, Nandy Mita, Gupta S. Recombinant erythropetin in the management of anemia in chronic kidney disease patients – An Indian multicentric experience. J Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2006;7(3):193-198.

104. Gupta R, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Mohan A, Agarwal SK, Kumar L, Kabra SK, Samantharay JC. Improved detection of pneumocystis jirovecii infection in tertiary care reference hospital in India. Scandinavian j of Infectious Disease 2007; 39:571-576.

105. Mahajan S, Tiwari S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Factors affecting the outcome of acute renal failure among the elderly population in India: a hospital based study. Int Urol Nephrol. 2006; 38(2):391-6.

106. Varma M, Guleria S, Gupta S, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Significance of protocol biopsies in living related renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2006 Sep;38(7):2016-7.

107. Guleria S, Kamboj M, Singh P, Sharma M, Pandey S, Chatterjee A, Dinda AK, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Tacrolimus (Pan Graf) as de novo therapy in renal transplant recipients in India. Transplant Proc. 2006;38(7):2029-31.

108. Mahajan S, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Masih JA, Bhowmik DM, Bansal R, Agarwal SK. Analysis of depression and its effect on outcome among adult Indian peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit Dial Int. 2007 Jan-Feb;27(1):94-6.

109. Guleria S, Kamboj M, Sharma M, Chatterjee A, Dinda A, Chaudhary A, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Tacrolimus (Pan Graf) in live related renal transplantation: an initial experience of 101 recipients in India. Transplant Proc. 2007 Apr;39(3):747-9.

110. Nayak B, Guleria S, Varma M, Tandon N, Agarwal S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Tiwari SC. Effect of bisphosphonates on bone mineral density after renal transplantation as assessed by bone mineral densitometry. Transplant Proc. 2007;39(3):750-2.

111. Bhowmik D, Dinda AK, Xess I, Sethuraman G, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Tiwari SC. Fungal panniculitis in renal transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis. 2008;10: 286-289.

112. Gupta R, Mirdha BR, Guleria S, Mohan A, Kabra SK, Kumar L, Agarwal SK, Luthra K. Use of different primer directed sequence amplification by polymerase chain reaction for identification of Pneumocystic jirovecii in clinical samples. The Ind J Chest Diseases Allied Sci 2008;50:321-327.

113. Agarwal SK. Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease in India. (Editorial) J Int Med Science Academy 2007; 20:291.

114. Agarwal SK. Magnitude and epidemiology of CKD in India. J Int Med Science Academy 2007; 20:293-295.

115. Agarwal SK, Venkatesh P, Tandon N. Everyday Practice: Diabetes Mellitus: The kidney and the eye in people with diabetes mellitus. Nat Med J India. 2008; 21:82-89.

116. Irshad M, Shwani S, Khushboo, Agarwal SK, Joshi YK. Torque teno virus: Its prevalence and so type in north India. World J Gastroenterology 2008; 14(39): 6044-6051.

117. Agarwal SK, Gupta Ankur. Aquaporin- The Renal water Channel. Indian Journal of Nephrology 2008; 18:101-106

118. Bhowmik D, Dinda AK, Xess I, Sethuraman G, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Tiwari SC.Fungal panniculitis in renal transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis. 2008;10;286-289.

119. Khaira A, Gupta A, Nikhil Tandon, Agarwal SK. Gatifloxacin Induced Severe Hyperglycaemia and Ketoacidosis In A Non- Diabetic Renal Transplant Recipient. Clinical and experimental Nephrology. 2009; 13:89-91.

120. Agarwal SK, Srivastava RK. CKD in India: Challenges and solution. Nephron Clinical Practice 2009;111:c197-203.

121. Agarwal SK. Hemodialysis and its machine. Medical Equipments and Automation 2008;1(4):32-39.

122. Gupta R, Iyer VK, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Kumar L, Agarwal SK. Role of cytology and PCR based detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii infection in bronchoalveolar levage fluid (BALF). Acta Cytologia 2009.

123. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Gupta S, Pandey RM. HCV Infection in hemodialysis: “NO isolation” policy should not be generalized. Nephron Clinical Practice. 2009;111:c133-140.

124. Gupta A, Singh B, Agarwal SK. Urinary sodium and Potassium excretion following karate competition. Iranian J Kid Disease 2009;3:178.

125. Gupta Ankur, Ignatius A, Khaira A, Agarwal SK. Swine Influenza Nephrologist perspective. Iranaian j Kid Disease 2009; 3:175-176.

126. Khaira A, Bagchi S, Sharma A, Mukund A, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Dinda AK Agarwal SK. Renal allograft tuberculosis: report of three cases and review of literature. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2009; 13:392-294.

127. Khaira A, Upadhyay BK, Sharma A,Das P, Mahajan S Makhariya G, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Hepatitis B virus associated focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis: report of two cases and review of literature. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2009; 13:373-377.

128. Agarwal SK, Lal C, Zaidi SH. Lupus activation with cerebritis following pegylated interferon in a hemodialysis patient. Nat Rev Nephrology 2009; 5:599-603

129. Khair A, Rathi OP, Gupta A, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Galactorrhoea and mastalgia in a renal transplant recipient on tacrolimus and amlodipine Nephrology 2009;14:700-701.

130. Gupta R, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Kumar L, Samantaraya JC, Agarwal SK, Kabra SK, Luthra K. Diagnostic significance of nested polymerase chain reaction for sensitive detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii in respiratory clinical specimens. Diagnostic Microbiology and Inf Disease. 2009; 64:381-388.

131. Agarwal SK. Prevalence and association of hepatitis C Viremia in hemodialysis patients at a tertiary care hospital Indian J Nephrol 2009; 19:172-173.

132. Gupta A, Rathi OP, Khaira A, Agarwal SK. Reno-renal syndrome: cross-talk between kidneys. Iran J Kidney Dis. 2009;3(4):254-5.

133. Gupta R, Sharma A, Mahanta PJ, Jacob TG, Agarwal SK, Roy TS, Dinda AK. Focal Segmental
Glomerulosclerosis in Idiopathic Membranous glomerulonephritis: A clinicopathological and sterological study Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009.

134. Khaira A, Rathi OP, Gupta S, Agarwal SK. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in a patient with scleroderma. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2009;20(1):130-1.

135. Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Efficacy and tolerability of lamivudine in hepatitis B infected renal transplant recipients: A single center study. Indian J Nephrol. 2009;19(3):91-5.

136. Kamalkumar BS, Agarwal SK, Garg P, Dinda A, Tiwari SC. Acute pancreatitis with CMV papillitis and cholangiopathy in a renal transplant recipient. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2009;13(4):389-91.

137. Gupta A, Khaira A, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Carotid body tumor and Amyloidosis: An uncommon association. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2010; 21:337-338.

138. Gupta A, Lal Charanjit, Agarwal SK, Mahajan S, Bhowmik S. Epididymal abscess in renal transplant: Uncommon presentation of Klebisella septicaemia. Clin Exp Nephrol 2010; 14:97-99.

139. Gupta A, Dogra PM, Singh Bakshish, Agarwal SK. Ateriovenous Fistula Intimal Tear: Think before you sneeze. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2010;14(1):124.

140. Bhowmik D, Dinda AK, Mahanta P, Agarwal SK. The evolution of the Banff Classification Schema for Diagnosing renal allograft rejection and its implications for clinicians. Ind J Nephro 2010; 20:2-8.

141. Gupta A, Agarwal SK. Immunization in Renal Transplant Recipients: Where do we stand/ Hong Kong J Nephrol 2010;12(1):6-11.

142. Gupta R, Deepanjali S, Kumar A, Dadhwal V, Agarwal SK, Pandey RM, Chaturvedi PK. A comparative study of pregnancy outcomes and menstrual irregularities in northern Indian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int. 2010; 30:1581-1585.

143. Gupta R, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Agarwal SK, Samantaray JC, Kumar L, Kabra SK, Luthra K, Sreenivas V. Genotyping and Phylogenetic Analysis of Pneumocystis jirovecii Isolates from India. Infect Genet Evol. 2010 May 19

144. Sharma A, Jain S, Gupta R, Banerjee KG, Guleria S, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Ultrastructural alterations in endothelial mitochondria are associated with enhanced nitrotyrosine accumulation and progressive reduction of VEGF expression in sequential protocol renal allograft biopsies with calcineurin inhibitor toxicity. Transpl Int. 2010;23(4):407-16.

145. Upadhya BK, Sharma A, Khaira A, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Transient IgA nephropathy with acute kidney injury in a patient with dengue fever. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2010;21(3):521-525.

146. Gupta A, Khaira A, Dogra M, Agarwal SK. Response to Iron Sucrose in dialysis patient sensitive to Iron Dextran. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2010;21(4):744-745.

147. Agarwal SK. Renal damage should be unquestionable while defining early chronic kidney disease. Nephron Dial Transpl 2010.

148. Sharma A, Jain S, Gupta R, Guleria S, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity in renal allograft: Morphological clue from protocol biopsies. Indian J Patho Microbiology 2010;53(4):651-657.

149. Gupta R, Sharma A, Mahanta PJ, Jacob TG, Agarwal SK, Roy TS, Dinda AK. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis: a clinico-pathological and stereological study. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010;25(2):444-9.

150. Bagchi S, Agarwal SK, Gupta S. Targeted screening of adult first-degree relatives for chronic kidney disease and its risk factors. Nephron Clinical practice. 2010;116:c128-c136.

151. Bharti AC, Panigrahi A, Sharma PK, Gupta N, Kumar R, Shukla S, Bhowmik DM, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Mehra NK. Clinical Relevance of Curcumin-induced Immunosuppression in Living-Related Donor Renal Transplant: An In Vitro Analysis. Exper and Clin Transpl 2010;2: 161-171.

152. Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Tiwari SC. Tuberculin skin test for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection during renal replacement therapy in an endemic area: A single center study. Indian Journal of Nephrology 2010;20:132-136.

153. Agarwal SK. Hemodialysis in patients with HCV infection: Isolation has a definite role. Nephron Clin Pract 2011;117:c328-332.

154. Irshad M, Mandal K, Singh Shiwani, Agarwal SK. Torque teno virus infection in hemodialysis patients in North India Int. urol Nephrol 2010;42:1077-1083.

155. Bhowmik D, Sinha S, Gupta A, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK. Clinical approach to rapidly progressive renal failure. J Assoc Phy India 2011; 59:38-41.

156. Gupta A, Lal C, Dogra PM, Mahajan S, Agarwal SK. Insulin site wound in a renal allograft recipient. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011;22(1):134-5.

157. Agarwal SK. Hepatitis B infection during renal replacement therapy. Hepatitis Monthly 2010; 10:255-257.

158. Khaira A, Mahajan S, Kumar A, Prakash S, Saraya A, Singh B, Bora M, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D. Oxidative stress, endothelial function, carotid artery intimal thickness and their correlates among chronic peritoneal dialysis patients. Indian J Nephrology 2011; 21:264-269.

159. Khaira A, Mahajan S, Khatri P, Bhowmik D, Gupta S, Agarwal SK. Depression and marital dissatisfaction among Indian hemodialysis patients and their spouses: a cross-sectional Study. Ren Fail. 2012;34(3):316-22

160. Khaira A, Mahajan S, Kumar A, Prakash S, Saraya A, Singh B, Bora M, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D. Oxidative stress, endothelial function, carotid artery intimal thickness and their correlates among chronic peritoneal dialysis patients. Indian J Nephrol. 2011;21(4):264-9.

161. Gupta A, Khaira A, Rathi OP, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. Diarrhea-related hemolytic uremic syndrome: unmasking anti-factor H antibodies. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011;22(5):1017-8.

162. Sarangi SC, Reeta KH, Agarwal SK, Kaleekal T, Guleria S, Gupta YK. Apilotstudyon areaundercurveof mycophenolicacidas a guidefor itsoptimaluse inrenaltransplantrecipients. IndianJ Med Res 2012;135:84-91.

163. Agarwal SK, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S. Reaction size in tuberculin test positivity in hemodialysis patients – Authors’ reply. Indian J Nephrol. 2011;21(2):139-40.

164. Bhowmik DM, Jain S, Dinda AK, Sharma A, Mahajan S, Agarwal SK. C1q nephropathy presenting as nephriticnephrotic syndrome. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011;22(3):561-3.

165. Khaira A, Mahajan S, Kumar A, Saraya A, Tiwari SC, Prakash S, Gupta A, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Endothelial function and oxidative stress in chronic kidney disease of varying severity and the effect of acute hemodialysis. Ren Fail. 2011;33(4):411-7.

166. Rajapurkar MM, John GT, Kirpalani AL, Abraham G, Agarwal SK, Almeida AF, Gang S, Gupta A, Modi G, Pahari D, Pisharody R, Prakash J, Raman A, Rana DS, Sharma RK, Sahoo RN, Sakhuja V, Ravi RAJU Tatapudi RR, Jha V. What do We Know About Chronic Kidney Disease in India: First Report of the Indian CKD Registry. BMC 2012;

167. Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Serum proteomics for the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome: is there a ray of hope? Indian J Med Res. 2012; 135:273-5.

168. Gupta R, Sharma A, Bhowmik D, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Gupta R, Dinda A. Collapsing glomerulopathy occurring in HIV-negative patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: report of three cases and brief review of the literature. Lupus. 2011;20(8):866-70.

169. Gupta R, Singh L, Sharma A, Bagga A, Agarwal SK, Dinda A. Crescentric glomerulonephritis; A clinical and histomorphological analysis of 46 cases. Indian J Patho Microbiology 2011: 54(3):497-500.

170. Ghosh R, Singh Geetika, Sharma Alok, Mitra DK, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Study of C-C Chemokine Receptor 5 (CCR5) in renal allograft rejection. Indian J Nephrology 2012.

171. Agarwal SK. Chronic kidney diseases in India – a ray of hope. J Clin Sci Res 2012; 3:112-3.

172. Gupta R, Sharma A, Mahanta PJ, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Plasma cell-rich acute rejection of the renal allograft: A distinctive morphologic form of acute rejection? Indian J Nephrol 2012; 22: 184-188.

173. Jafar TH, Agarwal SK. A Decade After the KDOQI CKD Guidelines: A Perspective From South Asia. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012; 60(5):731-733.

174. Agarwal SK, Srivastava RK, Gupta S, Tripathi S. Evolution of the Transplantation of Human Organ Act and Law in India. Transplantation 2012;94: 110-113.

175. Gupta R, Sharma AK, Gupta Rajiva, Agarwal SK, Dinda. Morphometry of non-inflammatory arteriolar changes in lupus nephritis: A study of 40 cases. Saudi J of Kid Dis Transp. 2012;23(6):1196-1201.

176. Gupta R, Sharma A, Mahanta PJ, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis in renal allograft recipients: A clinic-pathological study of 37 cases. Saudi J of Kid Dis Transp. 2013;24(1):8-14.

177. Kaur M, Lal C, Bhowmik D, Jaryal AK, Deepak KK, Agarwal SK. Reduction in augmentation index after successful renal transplantation. Clin and Exp Nephrology 2013; 17:134–139.

178. Sinha A, Singh G, Bhat AS, Mohapatra S, Gulati A, Hari P, Samantaray JC, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Bagga A. Thrombotic microangiopathy and acute kidney injury following vivax malaria. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 2013; 17:66-72.

179. Gupta R, Mirdha BR, Guleria R, Kumar L, Luthra K, Agarwal SK, Sreenivas V. Genetic characterization of UCS region of Pneumocystis jirovecii and construction of allelic profiles of Indian isolates based on sequence typing at three regions. Infect Genet Evol. 2013 Jan;13:180-6.

180. Rubina Tabassum, Ganesh Chauhan, Om Prakash Dwivedi, Anubha Mahajan, Alok Jaiswal, Ismeet Kaur, Khushdeep Bandesh, Tejbir Singh, Benan John Mathai, Yogesh Pandey, Manickam Chidambaram, Amitabh Sharma, Sreenivas Chavali, Shantanu Sengupta, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Pradeep Venkatesh, SK Agarwal, Saurabh Ghosh, Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Reddy K. Srinath, Madhukar Saxena, Monisha Banerjee, Sandeep Mathur, Anil Bhansali, Viral N. Shah, Sri Venkata Madhu, Raman K. Marwaha, Analabha Basu, Vinod Scaria, Mark McCarthy, DIAGRAM, INDICO, Radha Venkatesan, Viswanathan Mohan, Nikhil Tandon and Dwaipayan Bharadwaj. Genome wide association study for type 2 diabetes in Indians identifies a new susceptibility locus at 2q21. Diabetes 2012;

181. Sharma Alok, Gupta R, Lal C, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Crescentic Glomerulonephritis developing in course of Idiopathic Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis: Report of a Rare Case. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2013;24(2):333-337.

182. Agarwal SK. Hemodialysis: New methods and future technology. C Ronco, MH Rosner, editors (K Karger, Basel, Switzerland) 2011. 281 pages.

183. Ghosh R, Singh Geetika, Sharma Alok, Mitra DK, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Study of C-C Chemokine Receptor 5 (CCR5) in renal allograft rejection. Indian J Nephrology 2013; 23:196-200.

184. Tonelli M, Agarwal SK, Cass A, Garcia GG, Jha V, Naicker S, Wang H, Yang C, O’Donoghue D, for the ISN CKD Policy Task Force. How to advocate for the inclusion of chronic kidney disease in a national noncommunicable chronic disease program. Kidney International 2014 Jun;85(6):1269-74.

185. Kaur M, Chandran D, Lal C, Bhowmik D, Jaryal AK, Deepak KK, Agarwal SK. Renal transplantation normalizes baroreflex sensitivity through improvement in central arterial stiffness NDT 2013;1-11.

186. Gupta V, Gupta S, Sinha S, Sharma SK, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK. HIV Associated renal disease: A pilot study from north India. IJMR 2013; 137:950-956.

187. Agarwal SK, Sethi S, Dinda AK. Basics of kidney biopsy: A nephrologist’s perspective. Indian J Nephrol 2013;23:243-52.

188. Ansari MA, Irshad M, Agarwal SK and Chosdol K. Expression of the full-length HCV core subgenome from HCV gentoype-1a and genotype-3a and evaluation of the antigenicity of translational products European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2013, 25:806–813

189. Bhat A, Bhowmik DM, Vibha D, Dogra M. Agarwal SK. Tranexamic Acid Over dosage-induced Generalized Seizure in Renal Failure Saud Jour Kid Dis Transplant 2014; 25(1): 130-132.

190. Agarwal SK, HCV infection during renal replacement therapy: What we have learnt in two decade?, Indian Journal of Transplantation (2014),

191. Agarwal SK. Hemodialysis: New methods and future technology. C Ronco, MH Rosner, editors (K Karger, Basel, Switzerland) 2011. 281 pages.

192. Sinha A, Bajpai J, Saini S, Bhatia D, Gupta A, Puraswani M, Dinda AK, Agarwal SK, Sopory S, Pandey RM, Hari P, Bagga A. Serum-soluble urokinase receptor levels do not distinguish focal segmental glomerulosclerosis from other causes of nephrotic syndrome in children. Kidney International. 2014; 85: 649–658.

193. Ahuja A, Gupta R, Sharma A, Bagga A, Bhowmik DM, Agarwal SK, Dinda A. Idiopathic Collapsing
Glomerulopathy: a clinicopathological analysis of 30 cases. Indian J Nephrol 2014;24:239-42.

194. Bagchi S, Sachdev SS, Nalwa A,Das C, Sinha S, Suri V, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Multiple intracranial space occupying lesions in a renal transplant recipient from an endemic for tuberculosis (TB): TB vs. toxoplasmosis. Transplant Infectious Disease. 2014;16:838-842.

195. Agarwal SK. Book Review titled “Hepatitis in renal disease, hemodialysis and transplantation” Dominguez-Gil JM et al )Karger Publication, 20120. Indian J Med Res 2014;140:154-155.

196. Panda S, Kumar MV, Bagchi S, Singh G, Agarwal SK, Dinda A. Migratory skin lesion in a renal transplant recipient. Nephrology 2014;19:661-662.

197. Nambirajan A, Bhowmik D, Singh G, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS) with light chain deposition disease (LCDD) diagnosed post renal transplant: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Transplant International.2015;28:375-379.

198. Agarwal SK, Dattagupta S. Liver biopsy in patients on hemodialysis with hepatitis C virus infection: An important tool.Indian J Nephrol 2015;25:152-157.

199. Agarwal SK, Singh UB, Zaidi SH, Gupta S, Pandey RM. Comparison of interferon gamma release assay & tuberculosis skin tests for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Indian J Med Res 2015;141:63-68.

200. Yogita Singh; Bijay Ranjan Mirdha; Randeep Guleria; Sushil. K. Kabra; Anant Mohan; Rama Chaudhry; Lalit Kumar; Sada. Nand. Dwivedi; SK Agarwal. Molecular detection of DHFR gene polymorphisms in Pneumocystis jirovecii isolates from Indian patients. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2015;9(11):1250-6.

201. Gupta A, Jain gaurav, Kaur Manpreet, Jaryal AK, Deepak KK, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Association of impared baroreflex sensitivity and increased arterial stiffness in peritoneal dialysis patient.Clin Exp Nephrol 2015. DOI 10.1007/s10157-015-1158-3.

202. Mirdha BR, Singh S, Singh P, Guleria R, Agarwal SK. G LAMP assay for the detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii among immunocompromised individual Mol Biol Int. 2015;2015:819091. doi: 10.1155/2015/819091.

203. Bagchi S, Mittal P, Singh G, Agarwal SK, Singh L, Bhowmick D, Mahajan S, Dinda A. Pattern of biopsy proven kidney disease in the elderly in a tertiary care hospital in India; a Clinicopathological study. Int Urol Nephrol 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11255-015-1193-8.

204. Abraham RA, Kapil U, Agarwal SK, Pandey RM, Sharma M, Ramakrishnan L. Measurement of creatinine from dried blood spot by enzymatic method. Int J Adv Res Chem Sci. 2015;2:42-46.

205. Bagchi S, Agarwal SK, Mani K, Bhowmick D, Singh G, Mahajan S, Dinda A. Primary FSGS in Nephrotic adults: Clinical profile, response to immunosuppression and outcome. Nephron Clinical Practice. 2016.

206. Yadav RK, Das CJ, Bagchi S, Agarwal SK. Asymptomatic pontine and extrapontine lesion in patient with end stage renal disease. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2016;27(2):395-397.

207. Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Bagchi S. Pegylated interferon monotherapy for hepatitis C virus infection in patients on hemodialysis: A single center study. Indian J Nephrol 2016;26:244-51.

208. Lal C, Kaur M, Jaryal AK, Deepak KK, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Reduced baroreflex sensitivity, decreased heart rate variability with increased arterial stiffness in predialytic chronic kidney disease patients”. Clin Exper Nephrology 2016.

209. Bagchi S, Agarwal SK, Mani K, Bhowmick D, Singh G, Mahajan S, Dinda A. Primary FSGS in Nephrotic adults: Clinical profile, response to immunosuppression and outcome. Nephron Clinical Practice. 2016.

210. Sivaramakrishnan R, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S. Comparison of outcomes between surgically placed and percutaneously placed peritoneal dialysis catheters: A retrospective study. Indian J Nephrol 2016;26:268-74.

211. Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Bagchi S. Impact of type of Calcineurin inhibitor on post-transplant tuberculosis: single center study from India. Transplant Inf Disease. 2016;19:e12626.

212. Agarwal SK. Book review on Patient safety in dialysis access, M. K. Widmer, J. Malik, editors (Karger, Basel, Switzerland) 2015. Indian J Med Research 2017;144:638-640.
213. Bagchi S, Mittal P, Singh G, Agarwal SK, Singh L, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Dinda A.Pattern of biopsy-proven kidney disease in the elderly in a tertiary care hospital in India: a clinicopathological study. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Apr;48(4):553-60.

214. Kaur M, Chandran DS, Jaryal AK, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK, Deepak KK. Baroreflex dysfunction in chronic kidney disease. World J Nephrol. 2016 Jan 6;5(1):53-65.

215. Bagchi S, Singh G, Yadav R, Kalaivani M, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Dinda A, Agarwal SK. Clinical and histopathologic profile of patients with primary IgA nephropathy seen in a tertiary hospital in India. Ren Fail. 2016;38(3):431-6. doi: 10.3109/0886022X.2016.1138817.

216. Subbiah AK, Arava S, Bagchi S, Madan K, Das CJ, Agarwal SK. Cavitary lung lesion 6 years after renal transplantation. World J Transplant. 2016 Jun 24;6(2):447-50.

217. Subbiah AK, Das P, Bagchi S, Shalimar, Agarwal SK. Recurrent diarrhoea in a renal transplant recipient: Early immunoproliferative small intestinal disease may be missed if not considered. Nephrology (Carlton). 2017 Mar;22(3):265-267.

218. Kakkar A, Pradeep I, Singh G, Dinda A, Agarwal SK. Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma: A Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder Presenting as a Jejunal Mass in a Renal Transplant Recipient. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016 Dec 2.

219. Agrawal A, Agarwal SK, Kaleekal T, Gupta YK. Rifampicin and anti-hypertensive drugs in chronic kidney disease: Pharmacokinetic interactions and their clinical impact. Indian J Nephrol. 2016 Sep;26(5):322-328.

220. Das P, Rawat R, Verma AK, Singh G, Vallonthaiel AG, Yadav R, Gahlot GP, Dinda AK, Ahuja V, Datta Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Makharia GK. Immunohistochemical Expression of Antitissue Transglutaminase 2 in Tissue Injuries: An Interpretation Beyond Celiac Disease. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2016 Oct 7. [Epub
ahead of print]

221. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. GBD 2015 DALYs and HALE Collaborators.. Lancet. 2016 Oct 8;388(10053):1603-1658. doi: 10.1016/S0140- 6736(16)31460-X.

222. Baranwal AK, Bhat DK, Goswami S, Agarwal SK, Kaur G, Kaur J, Mehra N. Comparative analysis of Luminex based donor specific antibody mean fluorescence intensity values with complement-dependent cytotoxicity and flow crossmatch results in live donor renal transplant. Indian J Med Res. 2017;145:222-228.

223. Bhowmik D, Yadav S, Kumar L, Agarwal S, Agarwal SK, Gupta S. Sequential, Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant followed by Renal Transplant in Multiple Myeloma. Indian J Nephrology 2017;27:324-6.

224. Singh Y, Mirdha BR, Guleria S, Khalil S, Panda A, Chaudhary R, Mohan A, Kabra SK, Kumar L, Agarwal SK. Circulating genotypes of Pneunocystic jirovecii and its clinical correlation in patients from a single tertiary center in India. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017;36(9):1635-41.

225. Agarwal SK, Bagchi S, Yadav RK. Hemodialysis patients treated for Hepatitis C using a Sofosbuvir-based regimen. Kidney Int Report. 2017;2:831-835.

226. Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators. Electronic address:; GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators. Lancet. 2017 Jul 15;390(10091):231-266. doi: 10.1016/S0140- 6736(17)30818-8. Epub 2017 May 18.

227. Bagchi S, Vikraman G, Srivastava SK, Upadhya A, Singh Geetika, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Dinda A, Agarwal SK. BK polyomavirus after renal transplantation: surveillance in resource challenged setting. Transp Inf Dis. 2017. doi: 10.1111/tid.12770

228. Pena MJ, Stenvinkel P, Kretzler M, Adu D, Agarwal SK, Coresh J., et al. Strategies to improve monitoring disease progression, assessing cardiovascular risk, and defining prognostic biomarkers in chronic kidney disease. Kidney International Supplements (2017) 7, 107–113.

229. Bagchi S, Subbiah AK, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Yadav RK, Kalaivani M, Singh G, Dinda A, Agarwal SK. Low-dose Rituximab therapy in resistant idiopathic membranous nephropathy: single-center experience. Clinical Kidney Journal, 2017, 1–5.

230. Lal C, Kaur M, Jaryal AK, Deepak KK, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Reduced Baroreflex Sensitivity, Decreased Heart Rate Variability with Increased Arterial Stiffness in Predialysis. Indian J Nephrol 2017;27:446-451.

231. Dandona L, Dandona R, Kumar GA, Shukla DK, Paul VK, Balakrishnan K, Prabhakaran D, Tandon N, Salvi S, Dash AP, Nand Kumar A, Patel V, Agarwal SK, et al. Nationas within a nation: variations in epidemiological transition across the states of India, 1990-2016 in the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet 2017;390:2437-2460.

232. Dash SC, Agarwal SK, Panigrahi A, Mishra J, Dash Debdutta. Diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease combination “DHKD syndrome” is common in India. J Asso Phy India 2018;66:30-33.

233. Subbiah, A, Mahajan S, Yadav RK, Agarwal SK. Colovesical fistula: A rare complication after renal transplantation. BMJ Case Reports 2018.(In Press).

234. Baranwal AK, Goswami S, Bhat DK, Kaur G, Agarwal SK, Mehra NK. Soluble Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I related Chain A (sMICA) levels influence graft outcome following Renal Transplantation. Hum Immunol. 2018 Mar;79(3):160-165.

235. Jha V, Rashid HU, Agarwal SK, Akhtar SF, Kafle RK and Sheriff R; on behalf of the ISN South Asia Regional Board. State of nephrology in south asia. Kidney International. 2019:95:31-37.

236. Subbiah, A, Mahajan S, Yadav RK, Agarwal SK. Colovesical fistula: A rare complication after renal transplantation. BMJ Case Reports 2018.(In Press).

237. Subbiah, A, Mahajan S, Yadav RK, Agarwal SK. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for dengue capillary leak syndrome in a renal allograft recipient. BMJ Case report 2018 Jun 19;2018. pii: bcr-2018-225225. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225225.

238. Yogita Singh; Bijay Ranjan Mirdha; Randeep Guleria; Sushil. K. Kabra; Anant Mohan; Rama Chaudhry; Lalit Kumar; Sada. Nand. Dwivedi; SK Agarwal. Genetic polymorphisms associated with treatment failure and mortality in pediatric Pneumocystosis. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1):1192. (Impact Factor: 4.12)

239. Yogita Singh; Bijay Ranjan Mirdha; Randeep Guleria; Sushil. K. Kabra; Anant Mohan; Rama Chaudhry; Lalit Kumar; Sada. Nand. Dwivedi; SK Agarwal. Novel dihydropteroate synthase gene mutation in Pneumocystis
jirovecii among HIV-infected patients in India: Putative association with drug resistance and mortality. Journal Global Antimicrobial Resistance. 2019. Jan 15;17:236-239.

240. Singh G, Singh SK, Nalwa A, Singh L, Pradeep I, Barwad A, Sinha A, Hari P, Bagga A, Bagchi S, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK. Glomerular C4d Staining Does Not Exclude a C3 Glomerulopathy. Kidney Int Rep. 2019 Feb 13;4(5):698-709

241. Bagchi S, Lingaiah R, Mani K, Barwad A, Singh G, Balooni V, Bhowmik D, Agarwal SK. Significance of serum galactose deficient IgA1 as a potential biomarker for IgA nephropathy: A case control study. PLoS One. 2019 Mar 27;14(3):e0214256. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214256.

242. Mittal P, Agarwal SK, Singh G, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S, Dinda A, Bagchi S. Spectrum of biopsy-proven renal disease in northern India: A single-centre study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2019 Mar 4. doi: 10.1111/nep.13582.

243. Dogra PM, Bhatt AK, Agarwal SK, Bhowmik D. Short-course metronidazole-induced reversible acute neurotoxicity in a renal transplant recipient. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2018 Nov-Dec;29(6):1511-1514.

244. Gopalakrishnan V, Agarwal SK, Aggarwal S, Mahajan S, Bhowmik D, Bagchi S. Infection is the chief cause of mortality and non-death censored graft loss in the first year after renal transplantation in a resource limited population: A single centre study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2019 Apr;24(4):456-463. doi: 10.1111/nep.13401.

245. Imaging spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant patients” Indian J radiology (manuscript is “IJRI_357_19”)

246. Agarwal SK. From editor’s desk. Seminars in dialysis. 2020;3:3

247. Kaur C, Pramanik A, Kumai K, Mandage R, Dinda AK, Sankar J, Bagga A, Agarwal SK, Sinha A, Acharya Pragyan. BMC Res Notes. 2020;13:37-43.

248. Agarwal SK, Prasad N. Covid-19: Why the Kidney Care is so much Affected? Indian J Nephro 2020;30:141-143.

249. Prasad N, Gopalakrishnan N, Sahay M, Gupta A, Agarwal SK. Epidemiology, Genomic Structure, the Molecular Mechanism of Injury, Diagnosis and Clinical Manifestations of Coronavirus Infection: An Overview. Indian J Nephro 2020;30: 143-154

250. Rathi M, Jeloka T, Prasad N, Bansal S, Agarwal SK, Bhalla AK. Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension with Reference to COVID-19. Indian J Nephro 2020;30: 155-157.

251. Gulati S, Prasad N, Sahay M, Kute V, Agarwal SK. Glomerular Diseases with Reference to COVID-19. Indian J Nephro 2020;30:158-160

252. Prasad N, Agrawal SK. COVID 19 and Acute Kidney Injury. Indian J Nephro. 2020; 30:161-165.

253. Lobo V, Khanna U, Rajapurkar M, Mahapatra HS, Verma H, Prasad N, Agarwal SK. Guidelines for Dialysis with Reference to COVID-19. 2020;30:166-170.

254. Jeloka T, Gupta A, Prasad N, Varughese S, Mahajan S, Nayak KS, Agarwal SK, Abraham G. Peritoneal Dialysis Patients During COVID 19 Pandemic. 2020;30:171-174.

255. Patel MP, Kute VB, Prasad N, Agarwal SK. COVID 19 and Haemodialysis Anxiety. Indian J Nephro 2020; 30:175.

256. Kute VB, Varugese S, Prasad N, Shroff S, Agarwal SK. Renal Transplant Guidelines with Reference to COVID-19 Infection. Indian J Nephro 2020;30:176-178.

257. Fernando E, Gang S, Prasad N, Chaudhary AR, Agarwal SK. Anti-corona Drugs: Current Scenario. Indian J Nephro 2020; 30:179-184.

258. Mahajan S, Kohli HS, Gupta KL, Prasad N, Agarwal SK. Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for COVID Indian J Nephro. 2020; 30:185-187.

259. Patel MP, Kute VB, Agarwal SK. Infodemic of COVID 19: More Pandemic than the Virus. Indian J Nephro. 2020; 30:188-191.

260. Baranwal AK, Bhat DK, Goswami S, Agarwal SK, Kaur G, Mehra N. Clinical relevance of Major
Histocompatibility Complex class I chain-related molecule A (MICA) antibodies in live donor Renal
Transplantation – Indian Experience. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.

261. Subramanian P, Kumar H, Tiwari B, Barwad A, Bagchi S, Bagga A, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK, Singh G. Profile of Indian Patients with Membranous Nephropathy. KI Reports 2020.

262. Kute V, Guleria S, Prakash J, Shroff S, Prasad N, Agarwal SK, et al. NOTTO transplant specific guidelines with reference to COVID-19. Indian J Transplant 2020;14:85-9.

263. Manjunath PM, Gurpremjit S, Devender S, Surabhi V, Ramana AP, Sreenivas V, Agarwal SK. The Effect of PostOperative Handgrip Exercise on the Maturation of Arteriovenous Fistula: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian Journal of Surgery

264. Prasad N, Bhatt M, Agarwal SK, Kohli HS, Gopalakrishnan N, Fernando E, Sahay M, Rajapurkar M, Chowdhary AR, Rathi M, Jeloka T, Lobo V, Singh S, Bhalla AK, Khanna U, Bansal SB, Rai PK, Bhawane A, Anandh U, Singh AK, Shah B, Gupta A, Jha V. The Adverse Effect of COVID Pandemic on the Care of Patients With Kidney Diseases in India. Kidney Int Rep. 2020;5:1545–1550.

265. Subramanian P, Kumar H, Tiwari B, Barwad A, Bagchi S, Bagga A, Agarwal SK, Dinda AK, Singh G. Profile of Indian Patients with Membranous Nephropathy. Kidney Int Rep (2020) 5, 1551–1557

266. Ahmad Z, Bagchi S, Naranje P, Agarwal SK, Das CJ. Imaging spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant patients. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2020;XX:XX-XX.

267. Anil Arora; Ashish Kumar, MD, DM; Narayan Prasad; Ajay Duseja; Subrat K Acharya; Sanjay K Agarwal; Rakesh Aggarwal; Anil C Anand; Anil K Bhalla; Narendra S Choudhary; Yogesh K Chawla; Radha K Dhiman; Vinod K Dixit; Natarajan Gopalakrishnan; Ashwani Gupta; Umapati N Hegde; Sanjiv Jasuja; Vivek Jha; Vijay Kher; Ajay Kumar; Kaushal Madan; Rakhi Maiwall; Rajendra P Mathur; Suman L Nayak; Gaurav Pandey; Rajendra Pandey; Pankaj Puri; Ramesh R Rai; Sree B Raju; Devinder S Rana; Padaki N Rao; Manish Rathi; Vivek A Saraswat; Sanjiv Saxena; Shalimar Shalimar; Praveen Sharma; Shivaram P Singh; Ashwani K Singal; Arvinder S Soin; Sunil Taneja; Santosh Varughese INASL-ISN Joint Position Statements on Management of Patients with Simultaneous Liver and Kidney Disease. Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. (In Press)

268. Goyal A, Hemachandran N, Kumar A, sharma R, Shamim S, Bansal VK, Das CJ, Kandasamy D, Agarwal SK, Dinda A, Seenu V. Evaluation of Graft Kidney in the early postoperative period: Performance of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and additional sonographic parameters. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2020;9999:1-13.

269. Mangalgi S, Madan K, Das CJ, Singh G, Sati H, Yadav RK, Xess I, Singh S, Bowmik D, Agarwal SK, Bagchi S. Pulmonary infections after renal transplantation: a prospective study from a tropical country. Transplant International. 2021;34;525-534.

270. Kalantar‐Zadeh K, McCullough PA, Agarwal SK, Beddhu S, Boaz M, Bruchfeld A, Chauveau P, Chen J, Patricia de Sequera, Gedney N, Golper TA, Gupta M, Tess Harris T, Hartwell L, Liakopoulos V, Kopple JD, Kovesdy CP, Macdougall IC, Johannes F, Mann E, Molony D, Norris KC, Perlmutter J, Connie M. Rhee CM, Riella LV, Weisbord SD, Zoccali C, Goldsmith D. Nomenclature in nephrology: preserving ‘renal’ and ‘nephro’ in the glossary of kidney health and disease. J Nephrology 2021.

271. Srivastava A, Bagchi S, Singh s, Balloni V, Agarwal SK. Assessment of Risk Factors and Outcome of Early Versus Late Cytomegalovirus Infection in Living‐related D+/R + Renal Allograft Recipients. Indian J Nephrol.

272. Nishant R. Tiwari, Sanat Phatak, Vivek R. Sharma, SK Agarwal. COVID-19 and thrombotic Microangiopathies. Thrombosis Research (2021), j.thromres.2021.04.012

273. Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Prakash J, Guleria S, Shroff S, Sharma A, Varma PP, Prasad N, Sahay M, Gupta S, Sudhindran S, Krishan K, Ramesh V, Kumar S. NOTTO COVID-19 Vaccine Guidelines for Transplant Recipients. Indian J Nephrology. 2021; 31:89-91.

274. Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Prakash J, Guleria S, Shroff S, Sharma A, Varma PP, Prasad N, Sahay M, Gupta S, Sudhindran S, Krishan K, Ramesh V, Kumar S. NOTTO COVID-19 Vaccine Guidelines for Transplant Recipients. Indian J Transplantation Indian J Transplant 2021;15:1-3.

275. Baranwal AK, Bhat DK, Goswami S, Agarwal SK, Kaur G, Mehra N. Clinical relevance of Major
Histocompatibility Complex class I chain-related molecule A (MICA) antibodies in live donor Renal
Transplantation – Indian Experience. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.

276. Baranwal AK, Goswami S, Agarwal SK, Kaur G, Mehra NK. Impact of C1q fixing Donor Specific Antibodies on Renal Transplant Outcome. Scandavian J Immunology 2021. DOI: 10.1111/sji.13048.

277. Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Prakash J, Guleria S, Shroff S, Sharma A, Varma PP, Prasad N, Sahay M, Gupta S, Sudhindran S, Krishan K, Ramesh V, Kumar S. NOTTO COVID-19 Vaccine Guidelines for Transplant Recipients. Indian J Transplantation Indian J Transplant 2021;15:1-3.

278. Kute VB, Guleria S, Bhalla AK, Sharma A, Agarwal SK, Sahay M, Varughese S, Prasad N, Varma PP, Shroff S, Vardhan H, Balwani MR, Dave SD, Bhadauria D, Rathi M, Agrawal D, Shah PR, Prakash J. ISOT consensus statement for the kidney transplant recipient and living donor with a previous diagnosis of COVID-19. Indian J Transplant 2021;15:131-3

279. Meshram HS, Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Sahay M. Challenges of COVID-19 vaccination in the context of transplantation – A narrative review. Indian J Transplant 2021;15:134-8

280. Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Prakash J, Guleria S, Shroff S, Sharma A, Varma P, Prasad N, Sahay M, Gupta S, Sudhindran S, Krishan K, Ramesh V, Kumar S. NOTTO COVID-19 vaccine guidelines for transplant recipients. Indian J Nephrol 2021;31:89-91

281. Kute VB, Guleria S, Bhalla AK, Sharma A, Agarwal SK, Sahay M et al. ISOT consensus statement for kidney transplant recipient and donor with a previous diagnosis of COVID-19″. Indian J Nephrol. 2021 (accepted IJN_120_21)

In Non-Index Journals

1. Malhotra KK, Agarwal SK, Gupta A, Kumar A, Singh RN, Bansal RK. Clinical evaluation of low volume and thin membrane hollow fibre dialyser. Ind J Nephr 1987;3(1):28-33.

2. SC Tiwari, S Kumar, SK Agarwal, UN Bhuyan, AN Malaviya. Renal function and morphology in patients with rheumatoid disease. Indian Jour Nephrology 1987;3:106-112.

3. SC Tiwari, AN Malaviya, SK Agarwal, A Kumar, RR Singh, UN Bhuyan, KK Malhotra. Diffuse proliferative lupus nephriits: Determination of prognostic variable and response to therapy. Indian J Nephrology 1988; 4:21-29.

4. SK Agarwal, KK Malhotra, SC Dash, SC Tiwari, IK Dhawan, SN Mehta. Erythrocytosis in live related renal transplants. Indian Jour Nephrology 1988; 4:88-92.

5. Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Saxena S. Spectrum of renal diseases in elderly in a tertiary care hospital in North India 1989;5:65-68.

6. Agarwal SK, Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Agarwal R, Mehta SN. Spectrum of tuberculosis in renal transplant recipient in northern India. Indian J Nephrology 1992; 2:39-43.

7. Mittal R, Saxena S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Bhuyan UN, Dash SC. Acute interstitial nephriis following first exposure to rifampicin therapy. Indian J Nephro 1993; 3:54-56.

8. Saxena S, Jayraj PM, Mittal R, Shukla P, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Clinical and laboratory features of patients with chronic renal failure at the start of dialysis in North India. Ind J Nephrol 1995; 5:4-7.

9. Saxena S, Dash SC, Guleria S, Tiwari SC, Bhoumick D, Agarwal SK. Live donor renal transplantation in Alports’ Syndrome. Ind J Nephrol 1996;6:142-145.

10. Bhowmik D, Modi GK, Ray D, Jain S, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Total dose iron dextran infusion in anemic haemodialysed patients. Indian J Nephrol 1999; 9:46-48.


11. Agarwal SK. Acute peritoneal dialysis: Practical aspect. Ind J Nephrology 2000; 10:21-26.

12. Bhowmik D, Bhatia M, Tiwari SC, Gupta S, Agarwal SK, Dash SC. Polyneuropathy in postpartum septicemia. Indian J Nephrology 2001; 11:30-31.

13. Mahajn S, Agarwal SK. Apoptosis: Basic concepts and relevance to renal disease. Ind J Nephrology 2000;10:37-44.

14. Bhowmik D, Sharma M, Kalra V, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Agarwak SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC. Safe administration of sodium ferric gluconate complex in a patient with history of allergic reaction to low molecular weight iron dextran. Indian J Nephrol 2005;15-60-61.

Books and Chapters in Books

1. “Current trends in nephrology”, SK Agarwal (Ed), 1994.

2. Agarwal SK “Renal replacement Therapy in Children” in Paediatric Nephrology edited by Dr. R.N. Srivastava and Dr. A Bagga (1993).

3. Edited “Current topics in Nephrology, Urology and Transplantation in SAARC countries” (1995)

4. Agarwal SK. Evaluation of recipient and experience with Cyclosporine in Nephrology in North India. Alam SM & Singh SN (Eds) 1998,p 9-15

5. Agarwal SK. Tuberculosis in Chronic Renal Failure. In Tuberculosis. Sharma SK, Mohan A (eds). Jaypee Brothers 2001, pp 338-347.


7. Agarwal SK. Impact of hepatitis B & C on renal replacement therapy in India. In Proceeding of International CME. RG Singh & Jai Prakash (Eds). AK Prakashan, Varanasi, 1999,p 132-142.

8. Agarwal SK. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis- a clinical approach. In Hand Book of Clinical Nephrology. RG Singh & jai Prakash (Eds) AK Prakashan, Varanasi 1999,p 116-121.

9. Agarwal SK Booklet for patient education titled “LIVING WITH KIDNEY FAILURE”.

10. Agarwal SK A pamphelet for public education on “Kidney Transplantation- a Gift of Life”

11. Gupta S, Agarwal SK. Plasmapheresis in “Management of Medical Emergencies” Grower A, Agarwal V, Gera Prakash and Gupta R (Eds). NM HealthCare Ltd, New Delhi 2002; pp;564-570.

12. Gupta S, Agarwal SK. Plasmapheresis in Manual of Medical Emergencies Grover A, Agarwal V, Gera P and Gupta R (Eds) 2nd Edition Pushpanjali Medical Publications Pvt Ltd. New Delhi, 2003,p 564-570.

13. Agarwal SK. Nephrotic syndrome. In Clinical Medicine Update – 2006. Agarwal AK & Jain DC (Eds). Jaypee Publication 206;473-481.

14. Gupta S, Agarwal SK. Urinary tract infection. In Clinical Medicine Update – 2006. Agarwal AK & Jain DC (Eds). Jaypee Publication 206;481-490.

15. Agarwal SK. Kidney: Structure and function. In API textbook of Medicine Shah SN et al (Eds), 8th edition. The API publication, page 717-721.

16. Agarwal SK. Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease in India. In Renal Disease: Prevention and Management; A Physician perspective. Jaypee Publication 170-173, 2008

17. Agarwal SK. Tuberculosis in Chronic Renal Failure.In Tuberculosis. Sharma SK, Mohan A (eds). Jaypee Brothers 2009, 2nd edition 479-492.

18. Khair A, Agarwal SK. Infection in hemodialysis in “A Primer on Dialysis” 2008;95-114.

19. Agarwal SK. Renal transplantation: Current Practice. In Medicine Update. Agarwal AK, Jain DG, Yadav Pushpa (eds) Jaypee Brothers, 2009, pg785-795.

20. Agarwal SK. PTLD following renal transplants in India. In Posttranspalnt lymphoproliferative disease 2010. Agarwal MB (ed), p 40-43.

21. Agarwal SK. Physiological changes in the Kidney, assessment of proteinuria and GFR during pregnancy. In Pregnancy and Kidney Disease. Kher Vijay(ed), Elsevier Ltd, Delhi India. 2009. 1-19.

22. Agarwal SK. Immunological Concept of Renal Transplantation. In Textbook of Nephrology Anil K Mandal and Jai Prakash (eds). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2013; pp 423-437.

23. Agarwal SK. Normal kidney function and chronic kidney disease. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

24. Agarwal SK. Dry weight and fluid management in hemodialysis. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

25. Agarwal SK. Viral infections in hemodialysis. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

26. Agarwal SK. Long-term complications of hemodialysis and its management. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

27. Agarwal SK, Fernando E. Single needle dialysis, daily dialysis and home dialysis. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

28. Agarwal SK. Setting up of hemodialysis unit. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

29. Agarwal SK, Bhargava Y. Rehabilitation of hemodialysis patient. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

30. Agarwal SK, Agarwal A. Peritoneal transport in CAPD. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

31. Agarwal SK, Shankar M. CAPD catheters. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

32. Agarwal SK, Ramakrishnan S. Metabolic and nutritional complication of peritoneal dialysis. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

33. Agarwal SK. Evaluation of recipient and living donor. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

34. Agarwal SK. Assessment of body fluid. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

35. Raju S, Agarwal SK. Temporary catheteristaion access for hemodialysis. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

36. HS Ballal, Agarwal SK. Placement of permanent catheter. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

37. Agarwal SK. Creation of AV shunt. In Curriculum of Post Graduate Certificate Course for Dialysis Physician. IGNOU, New Delhi, 2013.

38. Soumita Bagchi, SK Agarwal. Immunopathogenesis of glomerular disease. In Essentials of Nephrology 2018. R Kasi Visweswaran (ed), p 121-126.

39. SK Agarwal. Overview of glomerular disease and classification. In Essentials of Nephrology 2018. R Kasi Visweswaran (ed), p 121-126.

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